And yet somehow you’re the asshole if you so much as ask others to consider the idea of privilege.
And yet somehow you’re the asshole if you so much as ask others to consider the idea of privilege.
Feel free to get off of your ass and do something about it.
Then those policy messages are what he can (and should) focus on in the time left. Instead he’s spent the last 3 months of the race bogged down in arguing about procedure and corruption and making himself look like a tool. This isn’t how you get the middle of the party to pull left, it is how you convince the middle…
Ah here he is the good old violent Bernie cultist. Aside from the blatant racism there really isn’t much difference between you people and the Drumpf horde, is there?
If I need to provide a citation to you, then you do not possess adequate knowledge of current events and basic math to participate in this discussion.
If he had a legitimate shot of being the nominee it would be one thing. No mater how you look at the numbers he does not and all he is doing is splitting the party further. But sometimes I think that’s what he and what you BernME cultists want and don’t give a shit who would get hurt in a Drumpf presidency.
LMAO. “Bitterness”. I love the insistence of Sanders fans that anyone who would vote for Hillary is “drinking the kool-aid.” Fuck, I hate that condescending bullshit.
I voted for Sanders in the primary. My ultra liberal parents have actually been Sanders fans for almost a decade. We were all super pumped that he was…
There were really only two Democratic nominees and, even with that, Sanders is still MILLIONS of votes behind Clinton. If you polled the Democrats that voted for him that now wish the hadn’t, he’d be even farther behind. Sanders has run a campaign of magical thinking that turned into white privileged mansplaining.…
Bernie supporter here. He needs to get out. He needs to start unifying the party. He needs to do better messaging w/ regards to his supporters.
It’s like George is just plucking stories at random now, a desperate dungeon master whose game starts in an hour and can’t run Tomb of Horrors again.
Some things that we use blood tests for have too much variability within the body for such a small blood sample to ever give a reliable reading. You need the larger volumes because you need things to average out.
Mark my words: 10 or 11 years from now, Elizabeth Holmes will get her revenge for this post. You can’t just go around printing things that are true about Valley innovators and world-changers and not expect to face serious consequences.
most of these kind of people are actually children, some are NEETS, some are trolls who just think its funny, some are what would be considered adults. All of them are morons
“Most importantly, and maybe someone can research this, why does the rabid minority have such a persecution complex?”
In reality? Completely plausible.
And those pages suck. Dirty book spoiler secret: DORNE SUCKS IN THE BOOKS TOO!!!!!
As a gay man, these cry-wolf stories sicken me. Don’t these tragic people understand the harm their fake stories do? Beyond ruining their own reputation, it perpetuates an idea that queer people are exaggerating or lying for attention rather than actually being persecuted. These kinds of frauds embolden our enemies.
As soon as I found out I was having a girl, I started wearing a pink bow in my pubic hair.
Riding a pair of crazes, my partner and I threw a Hamilton-themed gender reveal party. We hired two local urchin children to participate in the reveal and dressed them in blue- and pink-tinted period garb. After an acai bowl brunch, our guests gathered in the courtyard. Both children – the boy child playing Alexander…