
Yeah, I’m not really thrilled with the reinforcement of the idea of women’s bodies as an “embodiment of nature” more than men’s bodies. The woman-as-nurturing-earth-mother-figure is not necessarily feminist. When it’s used to suggest that women are fundamentally different from men—more nurturing, more connected to

Pragmatism is and has always been severely underrated.

Uh. Since there’s no victim to shame or disbelieve here and Kirkman never confirmed it was actually him, do we have to involve his friends and their opinions just yet? Isn’t the continued speculation creating an assumed attitude of guilt toward him? If I’m a feminist who cares that women aren’t harassed and hear a

I appreciate things like GMOs, vaccines, and the word “chemicals” for helping me remember that people on my side of the political spectrum can ALSO be fucking idiots.

Also, they themselves presented the angle of being exploited in the first place: “But our hope is that you fundamentally understand that choice and you choose not to view a private act that was inadvertently made public. We hope you understand that this is not a delicious scandal. This is an exploitation.”

It is possible that their blackness does not define their work. Perhaps they do not owe you a meditation on your own relationship with race just because they are black. Would the movie be funnier if it dealt with your own perceptions of race and blackness?

Maybe it needed more fat-suit drag.

The profit was not direct from the video itself. They attempted to profit with clicks on any of their youtube or streaming products and name recognition to bump up sales of music and concert tickets.

Just as a point of clarification: they are not profiting from this. No credit card charges went through.

And “piracy” would still somehow be a “problem” keeping it from the artists.

I know all publicity is good publicity, but getting your name out there as a couple of garbage people who think it’s edgy to fake a deeply upsetting intrusion of privacy is probably not the best publicity.

Wow, sooo this is a great big “fuck you” to everyone who’s actually had private pictures/tapes released. Thanks for creating another Duke Lacrosse case for the revenge porn world, Yacht. Now when someone claims to have their privacy violated there’s one more example people can point to as “but I bet he/she/they are

>you can’t propose the idea of letting the wealthy pay for everything, while the poor can remain poor

When you say things like “free shit” re: Bernie you’re basically saying “i have absolutely no idea what i’m talking about”

If Jesus came back, the “Christians” today would accuse him of blasphemy and burn him at the stake.

Perhaps because many of us are fed up with making do within social structures that don’t accommodate parenthood, while simultaneously acting under a moral code that insists that mothers are “the best.”

He’s a molybdenum mine heir that purposely blew up the mine in protest of nationalization. He then made passionate, purposeful love to an aviation heiress in a pile of stock-ticker tape.

“more or less consisted since I joined the fraternity”

For a single person with no kids and no debt, $75k seems perfectly reasonable in LA. People in LA labour under the delusion that they live in an expensive city, but then you go to *actually* expensive places like SF, NYC, London and so on and it’s cheap (and you get way more space) in comparison.

Now playing

The leaks were a lot more casual than is being reported