
This sounds like the fantasy of a high school student. You really don’t understand politics very well.

Also, if you really want to move this country left you need to realize that PREDISDENTS DONT MAKE ANYTHING CLOSE TO A MAJORITY OF POLICY DECISIONS IN OUR GOVERNMENT. Its not just that we elect a president and we get everything we want. If you’ve paid any attention to politics for the last 8 years you should know that

Agreed. There are basically three types of Democratic voters:

Has been said before, but bears repeating:

“I think Obama did actually a fantastic job. My conservative friends hate me for saying that, but I said it to Milo. I think actually if we have four more years of Obama I’d be quite happy.”

I said it in another article already: It’s time to stop pretending that all opinions are equal in merit.

I think that the Orange Men are like the Sith. “Always two there are, no more, no less. A master and an apprentice.” Boehner must be sorely dismayed by his acolyte.

All the selfish bastards who keep insisting that they just won’t go out and vote because “ew, Hillary” are going to cost us yet another Congress because they never see the bigger picture with their myopic obsession with moral purity but they’ll sure as hell complain about it to anyone who’ll listen and pretend like

Equality is about equal opportunity and consideration. It’s not about maintining a 50/50 benchmark. Just b/c a pendulum swings, doesn’t mean there’s been an overcorrection.

So promotions should continue the bias of the hiring before it? No. If you promote equally in a previously biased environment, it would make sense that the few women badass enough to get into the field against odds would be promoted more.

You never show empathy to us in the first place and now you expect us to give a shit. laughable. Besides these dudes still have to prove it was their gender that was discriminated against and not shitty attitudes at having a woman doing their job better.

Even if the decisions were gender-based (I can’t call this “sexism”—there is no matriarchy), it still couldn’t be called “horrific.” This guy can take his penis to every other company and get the gender-based favoritism he has come to feel he is entitled to. That’s how the rest of that world runs, so forgive me if I

So this is the dude version of that whiny red haired girl’s Supreme Court case, essentially?

He doesn’t want this office. He wants superfans so he and his family can continue to do barely anything and get paid.

Shut the fuck up. He promised a college graduate a factory job. Stop pretending that this guy isn’t a grasping political amatuer who is seeking the validation of his ego and the accumulation of power. When you make excuses for this sorry example of American leadership you diminish yourself.

I call bullshit.

Since when does the losing team take a knee?

a f’en greed.

Every time I see an article about slammed cars/culture I’m always surprised at the number of pretentious dick bags in the comments. I think it’s kinda stupid as well but these kids are doing something they enjoy, they have a hobby they love. I don’t understand why people can’t just look at that as a good thing instead