Not every secret recording of a politician’s private remarks adds to public knowledge.
Not every secret recording of a politician’s private remarks adds to public knowledge.
It’s newsworthy because the person is famous and considered influential. If you don’t think there’s any difference between names and social security numbers then you should ask everyone at work to call you by your social security number and not your name.
Well I don’t think it’s the RIGHT one way or another, and I don’t think that’s what HamNo is saying. But as a journalist, it is your job to uncover the truth. He can try to do that, jut as Ferrante can try to shield her identity. Neither one is WRONG to try this.
Of course writers are not obligated to restrict their journalism to only what fans of artists want, but they may very well choose to, and that still can be the right thing to do.
Yeah, names and taxes are the same, great take my dude!
It’s so gross! Part of it is this aggressive cutsey-ing of authority—like, it’s not enough to project your authority; you have to also make it seem hip and fun (or you’re failing as a woman—I mean girl). It plays into this narrative that female leaders can’t just be good at their jobs—they have to be competent AND…
Nah, MAGA brand will replace Trump brand for the Gadsen/ moron labe crowd.
no he’s not. I’m really sick of the homophobic notion that all anti-gay people are closeted. It takes the onus off of straight people’s bigotry and makes it so its all the queer people’s fault. Own it. This guy is straight, just like you, and like you, he’s an asshole.
I think maybe the issue that gentrifiers shouldn’t be able to gentrify while they’re complaining about gentrification. Or, to put it another way, let’s not say that white feminists shouldn’t move into the heart of a historically black neighborhood, but don’t try and co-opt the struggles of its black residents.
“Historically black neighborhood” aka black people lived here once, before we pushed them out.
It’s because in their heads they’re always the stealers, never the stealees.
“Sex worker” covers a wider range of professions, be it stripping, prostitution, cam girls, etc. It also circumvents the negative associations a lot of people have with sex work. If you call somebody a “prostitute,” you’re often slut shaming them. But when I call somebody a “sex worker,” I’m signifying that I think…
See, to me that shows somewhat bad character on her part, but incredibly bad character on the part of the men she was with. Like, it’s one thing as a single person to sleep with a person who is in a relationship. It is so much worse to be the person who has made a commitment to one person and then run around behind…
Give me a fucking break. Re-traumatised by what?
This is true. Part of the tragedy of this is that, after it happened, women who were genuine rape victims at UVA came forward, with some of them saying, “I would have talked to her.” Erdley wanted the most outrageous, most twisted story she could find, damn the consequences. She didn’t even fact check the most basic…
All parties mentioned are guilty - Jackie for making up a story about rape, Erdeley for omitting even the most basic journalistic standards, like checking the time lines, contacting witnesses mentioned in the story to corroborate Jackie’s account and talking to the accused and last but not least RS Magazine, for…
Even people with journalism degrees from Columbia.
Yeah, he’s doing a kinder, softer version of his Colbert Report persona a lot of the time, and I think is incredibly well meaning, but I don’t blame his non-white guests for not always wanting to be part of a teachable moment for his (presumably mostly) white audience when they’re promoting a show. And I do think…
As someone who follows the news and as a citizen, though, you should want Schefter to have published those photos, and you should support laws that allow him to do so.