Amen. Can’t wait for the next article where Stefan talks loudly in movies (but only ones that have been identified as ‘bad’ or ‘low brow’ by his Williamsburg bar brahs before hand)!
Amen. Can’t wait for the next article where Stefan talks loudly in movies (but only ones that have been identified as ‘bad’ or ‘low brow’ by his Williamsburg bar brahs before hand)!
So true - rewarding taking time off? I’ve never seen a job like that...ever. Red or Blue, Left or Right, doesn’t matter. I had an IT job working for a bleeding heart (who thought Obama was a ‘right winger’) and she treated any employee who took a sick day like they were playing hooky.
Because “choosing to be offended” is pure rhetorical bullshit that is a hallmark of conservative and libertarian practice*. “I’m just a straight shooting, non PC, person, and if anything I do or say offends you, it’s because you choose to be offended, not because what I said is offensive”. Great example: Trump calling…
What? You don’t have proper citations from formal studies conducted to rigorous academic standards (which, if they ran contrary to his beliefs he’d find a way to dismiss anyway)?
I say, is this a joke, son? You trollin’ boy? If not, I say you’re ‘bout as sharp as a bag of wet mice. Perhaps you best be reading ‘bout Marxism ‘stead of listenin’ to those idiots on the radio and the television. Learnin’ll set you as straight as a highway between Dallas and Fort Worth. Then when you get to choppin’…
Hey, that is easier than “A Republican in an otherwise liberal environment who needs a cover story in order to seem cool or get laid”
The NW chill is a locals only thing (I’ve seen it in Bellingham and Portland). My old neighborhood in White Center was full of transplants, so when they said “we should have a beer sometime” they meant it; the locals would say it but went to great lengths to never have to actually follow through. Now I’m in CA, I…
Amen. Most people believe in the authority of MD or PhD as the alpha and omega of proof without examining the beta to psi in between. I’ve met scientists that have a poor understanding of the basics of the scientific methodology. I’ve seen ‘scientists’ that use the words “science proves” or believe scientific studies…
I stopped at the “unplug your wireless router to protect your computer”, as if that’s the only time it can be infected. That’s why I only lock my door when I leave - no way anyone can break into my house if I’m home...
The future indeed. You WILL be replaced. The End. Get what you can before it happens.
My comment was “same degree” not “some degree” because even consensual sex work can be as abusive as coerced. I do agree with you though - there is a difference in my mind; just trying to articulate it.
The lack of continuted coercion and entrapment is missing. Duped as some women might be, in this instance they still have the ability to walk away. Sure, the situations may be abusive to the same degree, but women (and men) can, and do, walk away from the legitimate porn business. That isn’t true of most, if not all,…
“She’s basically says “This is not a rape, it’s a consensual performance. But if you believe it’s a rape, then why are you watching it and further victimizing a person you believe is a victim?”
Hobbies. What you do in your spare time. Things you’re interested in. But you don’t want to go too far, or get to bogged down in details. Most of the time they’re just trying to gauge what you’re like as a person beyond the CV. Example: I volunteer a lot, so I use that - sort of “I like to help people, so I do a lot…
I know right? IT seems to be one of the few professions where people seek out and pay for your professional opinions - and then ignore it (or worse, argue). I don’t know how many times I’ve used some version of “would you do the same thing to your doctor or mechanic?”. There’s something about IT that causes users to…
I got a robo-call with all the legalese about my car and this recall. I immediately called them, gave them my VIN, and got a replacement appointment at the local dealer - all in the same day.
I got a recall notice (02 Accord) and they told me it would be September at best before they had a replacement. So, that picture is way, way too on the nose.
That’s right - how dare you heathen ladies take umbrage with the place God made for you...It’s called MANOTHEISM for a reason!
This has to be the funniest thing I’ve read in a long, long time. I don’t know which part I like best (i.e., plan to quote to my friends). Probably the four roles of women, but nah, it’ll be this:
Then Tom should be arguing with GRRM, or the entire ASOIAF series as a whole. Because it’s full of women being brutalized and turned into a prop to develop another male character’s arc. From the 13 year old tavern girl that the Mountain and his men raped (that story gets his name on Arya’s list) to Ramsey’s wedding -…