
His sister tried. And after seeing him, fled, and told everyone he was dead. So...

Yeah, I never got that. If I wrote a post that was word for word the book description of the Jamie/Cersei scene (in front of their son’s corpse!) as if it happened to me, but threw in a few “bros”, I’d be decried (and rightfully so) as a rapist. She said “no” and he forced her. I get it, you hate the adaption because

But...this scene, with far more gruesome detail, DID play out in the book. Is it wrong becuase it’s Sansa, and not Jeyne Poole? I’d say this scene was way, way tamer than the book - in the book Theon is forced to ‘get her ready’ on their wedding night (with his tongue) with the threat of having said tongue cut out if

Was it better because in the books it happen to Jeyne Poole? In the book, Theon’s emergence from Reek hinges on the treatment of Jeyne by Ramsey. You can argue whether or not substituting Sansa for Jeyne ‘works’ in terms of the adaptation, but the story demands something terrible happen to someone Theon cares about to

Oh, you got Sky for 38 Down? Shit...I had “Azz”. *begins furiously erasing*

Now you leave the Locker Room out of it.

We never liked any of the urns we saw, so we make living kitty shrines - we mix the ashes with potting soil, buy a nice pot, and plant something in it (usually a hardy indoor plant).

So, so strange. Shit, I’ve been in drug dens that have books - or at least a magazine or two.

And it’s easier to trim people off the guest list, since the only ones who show are ones that are thrilled that we can get married. My BF, she had all sorts of family feuds because of who got invited and who didn’t.

My father was a mechanic in the army and that was his advice to me "you may not be able to do it, but you should know what needs to be done and how it's done before you even call the shop". Advice that saved my bank balance more than a few times.

That is the first law of IT: Once you've touched it, it's your responsibility forever.

Exactly. My partner said to me this morning “The ‘circumstantial evidence isn’t evidence’ crowd is going to be out in full force on this.”

JFK is easier than LaGuardia only if you live on Lawn Guyland

Sad, but true. I used to love MCI - the car could drop me off 20 feet from my gate. Good times.

I flew in there a lot when I was contracting out of KC, the last time was a couple of years ago and they had fixed that (although everything closes at like 1800). MCI used to have one of the quickest curb to gate trips in the country (seriously, you could pull up and be dropped off 20 feet from your departing gate),

Yeah, I never had any trouble in Philly at all. My in-laws used to live there (well, technically Northern Delaware, but...) and we flew in once, twice a year. No problems. Unfortunately it’s a USAir hub, so they have the most/best/cheapest flights, and USAir sucks balls, so maybe that’s why everyone complains about

Huh. Just damage? That's the only outcome of vehicular accidents. Maybe you can explain that to my brother in law and his 500k+ in medical bills from being t-boned by an uninsured motorist. I'm sure that's well within the range of small claims court - better, yet, I'll bet you can write a check to cover that

Amen. Sadly, I work in a state (California) that ostensibly claims it doesn't condone the actions of the owner...but still has thousands fired 'at-will' every day (many undocumented workers, but that's another story). Right to work or shop state; you can't always find a job that offers the protection of a union -

Living in an at-will state, absolutely. Not being unionized - she could still be terminated for 'just cause' if the bargained contract included speaking to the media as a condition for termination (although, she would go through the grievance/arbitration process) - so, the union would provide some support for