somenameoranother...and now another...thanks kinja

And when blind optimism loses the fight, will the winners write about how Obama took the high road or will he be a secret Kenyan Muslim Terrorist Monkey? Protect your legacy; don’t leave it in your opponents hands.

Not sure why no one else is making this the HUGE deal it is!

As cool as bragging about sexually assaulting women to impress Billy Bush? Billy isn’t even a top-20 Bush, but that one is hard to top.

This is my preferred version:

The Alt-reich is spreading a video of the ‘Alt-lite’ (i.e., standard issue Republicans) Trump supporters from LA attacking the guy with the bullhorn and a video of some pro-Trump ‘southern defender’ of the monument (whom they call the “cuck knight” - so, clever, these guys), telling them to stop making people think

Dammit, they were right! I can’t unsee the frog!

We’ll probably need to keep that Sessions/Yates exchange handy; I foresee it being very relevant...

I was back in Seattle for May Day (well, on May Day). I talked to a lot of people who are tired of waiting; restless, trying to push for something, anything...soonish. Everyone wants to do it now.

“...and misandry

Boys Scouts are still welcome in the parish.

Maybe you should look up the relevant statutes for the jurisdiction in question before you “well, actually...”

hahaha...I’ll use that one tomorrow morning. It won’t be with proper attribution since “someone on the Internet” is, know. So sorry in advance...

Right? He’s friendlier to a foreign dictator threatening to murder Americans than an American elected to represent her friends and neighbors or the citizen parents of a slain US soldier - simply because they said mean things about him.

I replied to say the same thing, but, I realized it was pointless talking logic and sense to fans* who are predisposed to ignore both.

how could you still not know?

Yep. If anyone thinks this isn’t clearing the runway so the war hawks can take off, they’re fooling themselves.

I wouldn’t trust him either (even if that bar is awfully low with this adminstration).

Plugging the isolationist leaks before the war, more likely IMO.

Well, since it’s not a “creeping redefinition” so much as an attempt to articulate and communicate a larger, more complex issue within the context of experiences that the society that made the initial definition never had (or cared to address). Should the definition of what racism is be forever bound to the neutral

Well, it can’t not be about white poeple, right?