
We lost our souls. I can’t find a decent job, have inadequate health coverage (Texas) and our infrastructure sucks ass. But my Lt Gov + Gov thinks who goes into what fucking bathroom is important enough to get cracking on these types of bills. Its crazy enough that some churches and businesses have added single unisex

Definitely don’t count your chickens on this one just yet... at this point, Hillary has been running solely against The Old Man and the Socialist Sea, and while there have been a few barbs here and there, things have been pretty civil for the most part.

We just get lip service in the hope that we will pipe down and go away. Nobody really wants to discuss the plight of blacks in this country because that would mean a lot of our “allies” would have to confront their privilege that think thing they don’t have.

Non-black POC need to stop expecting black Americans to stand up for their plights and causes when they never show their fucking faces when something is going on for us. Nor do they combat anti-black American biases within their own communities.

I would like for people, esp. other people of color, to stop acting as if black people are in this privileged position where everybody takes our concerns more seriously than they take the concerns of other marginalized groups.

I seriously think that a LOT of BS supporters - the BernieBros in particular but not only them - would find something to fault with any female candidate

Obama was black. Don’t sit there and pretend he didn’t face challenges that no other white candidate would’ve faced.

I assume you threw foreign policy experience in there because you want the answer to be “no one but Hillary”? None of our last three presidents had extensive foreign policy experience prior to taking office.

How about you just accept that having an ethical president with good judgment is more important than having a female president? If there are no candidates in the pipeline (which I don’t accept) lets address that. But don’t use “Hillary is our only shot” as a step up to the bully pulpit.

“Everybody wants to be a nigga but don’t nobody wanna be a nigga.”

Too bad she failed to address the privatized prison industry that her husband started up that has been the root of these problems for 20 years.

Gays? No > Yes.

yeah, so... North Carolinian here. first off I hope that people realize that “the state” is not in support of this bill. it was a state-level power-grab (small government republicans at their finest) in response to Charlotte passing a toothless anti-discriminatory “bathroom law” that would allow trans folks—

White people have been enjoying the nepotism parade for literally centuries, but Zoe Kravitz and Willow Smith are the game breakers? Please. They’re not out here doing nothing, like the Jenners when they were on the cover. They still have to work for their shine, nepotism or not, unlike all the girls who just become

Nah, you were really annoying

Umm.. were we talking about Bernie? I thought we were talking about whether what Clinton did could be called racist. Typical deflection.

Once Hillary gets the nomination she will go back to saying stuff like this:

Yeah, Bill. BLM is an example of “the danger facing this country.” Good call, not tonedeaf at all.

Direct cash payments to the poor are—by far—the most effective method of fighting endemic poverty. Not only do they build on local systems of knowledge, but moreover they are far more cost efficient and much easier to manage. All with added benefit of stripping out the disdainful paternalism to permeates so many other