
Bernie said he would do whatever it takes to make sure the republicans don’t win the whitehouse. Bernie and his supporters want to make sure that the conversation he has is at the forefront, so both Trump and Hillary have to face these issues that many Americans really want to fix (wages, campaign financing, climate

Yeah, don’t call me out on my imperfections or what you think I’ve and other people in power have done wrong. You can’t have an opinion in a democracy or deeply held beliefs about how our political system needs to change. Agree with me on everything and shut up and I may throw some crumbs your way! That’ll get em on

I showed you how many people were targeted by drones, you excuse it. Killing innocent people is ok. That’s where we are now, most people agree with you. I don’t. I think it’s wrong and unnecessary, especially in the U.S where we herald ourselves as exceptional. To me that’s the problem, that everyone seems to get

I’m sorry to break it to you, but the Obama administration heads the most extensive drone campaign the world has ever seen, killing not only perceived terrorists, but their families and innocent women and children and whoever happens to be in proximity.…

She said she’ll stay with Obama’s pick, Merrick Garland: The nomination of Chief Judge Merrick Garland (who is older than any Supreme Court nominee since the Nixon administration and, in Fox News’ words, is the “most conservative nominee by a Dem in the modern era“)

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It’s Schedule II, not felony II. Possession of a Schedule II drug without a prescription, you could serve at a maximum 5 years in prison (by federal standards) State laws vary. Here’s a video of her answering that question at a debate this year.

Sexism is a serious issue, to put that on Bernie and his supporters, many of us women, is complete horse crap and reduces our validity when fighting actual sexism. You can’t just call sexism because someone doesn’t agree with you. That’s like me calling you anti-semitic because you won’t/didn’t vote for Bernie. It’s a

You go to prison for a felony. If you put marijuana as a schedule II drug at the federal level it is still a felony which affects employment, buying a home applying for school, etc. How is that a minor matter. Yes if you are rich and white, it’s a minor matter. Because the police aren’t looking for you and you have

Sorry Schedule II drugs, (also like opiates/vicodin and other perscription drugs) which is what HRC wants to do to marijuana, will still have a felony charged attached to them if you have it. That does not solve the criminal justice problem with marijuana. It helps private pharma companies if they choose to sell for

Why not refer to the drug war when talking about systematic racism. It’s a huge problem that affects black people to this day.

Why is anyone against Hillary a Bernie Brat. Maybe she doesn’t like any of the candidates. I have to agree, a president who doesn’t address the drug war is not serious about criminal justice reform. It’s the reason we have so many poc (I know you and hillary don’t care about black or poor people: I kid, but see it

Never. You can stop Bernie, but you can’t stop the unrest of the people. Whoever is in office, and nothing changes, wages, jobs, cost of education, criminal justice reform...etc. The people will always come back with or without Bernie. Best believe.

Bush and Cheney dreamed up the Iraq war debacle too. But when you’re president you have to clean up behind the last person/people. She didn’t even mention the drug war and how if affects black/brown and poor people. She’s not serious about reform and neither is Obama. We have the largest prison population in the world

She somehow didn’t talk about the system that created “superpredators”.

Sorry, I wasn’t trying to patronize you, I just thought the interview was fascinating (if you’re into that kinda stuff) especially coming from a Bush official. It’s about what happened behind the Iraq War invasion. We all have different opinions for different reasons. It’s good that we don’t all think the same. I hope

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I think we need someone who will fight for the middle class and the poor. Someone we can trust. He may not get it done by his first term, but if we vote in the local/state elections religiously we basically force state/local government to vote with us, lest they be denied a second term. These are goals we are trying

I actually watch the debates pretty often. She is a snooze fest IMO, it’s hard for me to listen to her to be honest. But I know she wants $12 dollar minimum wage, universal pre-k, and wants to build on the affordable care act, what ever that vague statement means, but universal health care is too much I guess, why

I noticed that you didn’t mention any of her actual platforms or policy positions. I respect Hillary and her supporters. My dad is one of them, actually. She has not done a good job of concisely communicating her policies or her vision for the country. That’s not me being disrespectful, that’s me telling you what I am

How is a candidate pushing to raise the minimum wage, healthcare for all and reforming the prison system a way to get power in our current system that is ruled by money and clout? He says, constantly, to his supporters I can’t do this by myself, ya’ll need to be involved in the local political process. I’m not sure