I hope these are just screen shots from the emulator.... Otherwise only 64MB for internal app storage is a huge deal breaker.
I hope these are just screen shots from the emulator.... Otherwise only 64MB for internal app storage is a huge deal breaker.
Yeah... I'd rather my carrier not give my address to some random person... especially someone who doesn't have an address themselves.
@Silence04: Mess with the best. Die like the rest!
@itsgarberbetch: I played the demo of Kinect Riders and you can "paint" your car any color by holding up an item that is the color you want. It's not the cool scanning feature, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time. Though I suspect that since they downgraded the resolution of RGB camera this would be a little…
I loved Superman Returns and I don't care who knows it. I still wish Bryan Singer was doing it.
@wonderkrisp: Oh yes. Definitely! :)
@firstanointed: Fox is like the abusive boyfriend to the low self-esteem sci-fi.
@wonderkrisp: Oh me too! I'm an Android user, but I want to play with iPhones and Windows 7 phones too. More the latter I would say. I might get an iPod touch to satisfy the iPhone... and I'm hoping Microsoft makes the Zune line the iPod touch to Windows Phone. I already have a Zune HD so if they gave me a nice little…
@pastoralia: I hope you are right... I really do.
@robcapazzi: I love it. The games that come with it are pretty fun. Mostly just the rally ball game, but my friends love playing it. I also got Your Shape: Fitness Evolved which pretty great. People really like the dance game so I might get that too. Other than that, just controlling your xbox with your hands and…
@ILLKnOwLeDgE: Sorry.... didn't see all these replies! D'oh!
@ILLKnOwLeDgE: What nasa geek said. It's always been a plan to use object with Kinect. The beauty being that it can be any object.
@ATimson: If you've seen the ridiculous amount of product placement in tv shows... that's why DVR numbers should matter. I'm not against product placement. I wish we didn't need it, but it's a necessary evil and I'm willing to put up with it. Sure people like me who DVR are less likely to watch the actual commercials,…
@ATimson: I know what they are used for and I know how TV works... but these are the days of DVRs, Internet, and DVD sales. They need to move on and come up with something better. Nobody's come up with anything better because everyone thinks it's fine the way it is.
Wow... I hate FOX soooooo much. The move wouldn't be such a big deal if they didn't cling to the ancient and irrelevant Nielson ratings.
@YoungWilliam: I've noticed Fringe will sometimes introduce something that is seemingly important, but then ends up being pretty normal. Or the Fringe team will follow up on a lead that you are sure will give them some vital information only to have exactly zero effect on anything. Makes it more realistic and less…
Let's hear it for Anna Torv! She has just been amazing this season! She's reaching John Noble levels of awesome.
@TheGreat&PowerfulTurtle: Totally! I was really impressed with him.
@thenail: Except Android gets more polished with each version.
@dibs ODDJOB: Wondering this too...