@Azu-nyan: I have a silver 32. Bought it on day one. Really want to upgrade to a 64, but thought that a revision might be coming... doesn't seem likely though does it?
@Azu-nyan: I have a silver 32. Bought it on day one. Really want to upgrade to a 64, but thought that a revision might be coming... doesn't seem likely though does it?
@TimoTim: My first reaction too! Sad they don't get much love. Still one of the best PMPs around.
@AreWeThereYeti: It's kind of a shame really. I think it's worth just as much if not more than what Apple is putting out. At least software and internal hardware wise. It's a much more robust OS than iOS and has a much larger potential. But it's true... if this thing is over $500, it's just not going to sell.
I need wifi only. So far all these Android tablets are wifi+3G. I don't need 3G... The only time I'm not around wifi is when I'm driving and I'm not going to use this while driving. And if I did, I'd just turn on the wifi hotspot on my Nexus S.
@Xagest: If they build a solid touch UI, then I'm down. They already have such things in Windows Phone and ZuneHD. They just need to adjust and optimize those UIs for a larger screen.
I like how an easy way to socialize with your friends is somehow a "stupidly useless place" that you still use anyway. Can you teach a class on how to be as cool as you?
@zzzaap: Hmmm... A credit card inside my phone? That's a great idea!
@everyone6: And then, even on 3G it would take me 2-3 seconds to download a 1Mb file. HQ YouTube streaming is also no issue on 3G for me.
I've gotten about 5 megabit speeds on my Nexus S on T-Mobile's 3G. I'm a full on techie, but I really don't need anything faster for mobile speeds right now. I've used it as a wifi hotspot to check on servers at work and I can watch youtube in high quality or even HD. Stream netflix if I actually had the time to do so…
@el_darway: I'm wondering this myself. It seems like they might make it iPhone only since... well... what reason would they have to let any other phone use it?
@sam4sb: Yeah... Apple is probably going to lock it down. They are the one company who seems to get away with being a monopoly.
@geolemon: I love my Nexus S and Android might be outselling the iPhone, but even I have to admit that people tend to listen when Apple does something. Even if they are wrong or just repeating what someone else said.
@Rakkoon: Really no different than any other payment system. I mean to be fair... cash in your pocket is the LEAST secure. You lose that... can't call your bank and ask them to stop the cash you lost from being used and get it back to you.
@NaraVara: Sure... could be that too for a lot of people... Windows users are a very varied bunch since there are so many of them/us. I personally don't cheap out on my electronics and I'm passionate about tech. I haven't bought a brand name PC in a long time. I build my own systems; not to save money (you really…
@blyan is not on fire: I'd say it's the confidence that comes with using the most popular OS. You don't feel the need to prove anything.
@BustingLenin: Everybody should just CHILL OUT and come to my COOL PARTY.
@Yinzers Are People Too: I know people use them, but just because something is meant for a certain purpose doesn't mean that it's not going to be used for others.
@LiquidBeef: They don't mean people confusing the two in writing. They are talking about the sculptures they have on the lawn. Silly either way, but these names are really more for internal use anyway.
@the_other_stevejobs: Honestly... for some people, using Android is not justifiable. Especially with the older generation. Once people get to a certain age I recommend the iPhone. It's the same everywhere, you've got your grid and that's good enough. You don't need something advanced, you just need it to do its job.