
Chrome user since day one and I was hooked. Gave me a simple, sleek, fast, and secure browser. That's all I wanted. I don't need a crap load of extensions.

While I do own a blu-ray player/PS3, I have to agree with MS here. I'm done with physical media. I don't have the space for it or the time to keep it all organized. They are moving in the right direction though with the cross platform license though. Buy on my 360, PC, or Zune and I can play it on all of them. It does

@Cbullins Official Movieguy: XP has that snapin, but only Pro. Not sure about running the script though. It's been a while since I really used XP.

@crosis101: Oh I gotcha. I've read a couple of the comics here and there, but never any of the books. Usually with TV shows I try to forget about other stuff and let them do their thing. If it's good that is.

@crosis101: Ahh. I see. I never had an issue with that. It's actually what I LOVED about it. It was so involved and there was so much story. I realize it's not for everyone though. There's a reason networks push for more episodic shows or push serial shows to have stand alone episodes.

@lightninglouie: I still have my Dreamcast out, but it's not plugged into my LCD right now. I did finish Shenmue. Didn't finish Shenmue II though. I imported the Europe version and even bought it again for the original Xbox. One of these days...

@stormcrow85: The only Sci-Fi show I'm really enjoying right now is Fringe. As much as I love Fringe though, I would give it up for more TSCC.

@crosis101: Eh? I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying that because you weren't able to watch all the episodes, you got lost in the storyline?... or missing a few minutes in one episode made you not understand the whole episode?

@1Opinion: Haha! No, I meant an actual microphone. Since it's a voice controlled game, you can only play it if you have the microphone plugged in.

Oh crap! I need to find my microphone and check on my Seaman! It's been a lot of years... I hope he's ok.

@Rondogg: There was something special about TSCC. So much potential too.

@Justin: Even virtuosos like Petrucci will do this. Not with a giant wall, but he'll have a full stack on stage, but it's actually hollow with a smaller amp and speaker that is mic'ed.

Walter Bishop has forgotten more crazy inventions than... well than he's remembered.

@Zuldim: I was getting a Fringe-like, alternate dimension vibe.

@Megazone33: I'm glad there are others who miss the show as much as I do.

@Log1c: That's a good one. I really enjoyed this show. Was sad to see it go. :(

TSCC hurts the most. So much potential... so much ridiculously awesome potential.

@Smeagol92055: I love this picture so much! Never fails to crack me up.