
@Posco Grubb: The "+" sign gets rejected by a lot of signup forms unfortunately.

@driggity: Gotcha. Never had a problem with "cell near," but good to know for future use. Wouldn't the "cell near" state work better? I haven't tried using wifi near state since I figured wifi would need to be on, for it to work.

@dr_bambi: I was hoping for some sort of direct to dvd thing that would close it up, but I'd love even a comic at this point! They're still doing Firefly comics so maybe there is hope that someday they will do this. It seems like such a waste of one of the best interpretations of the Terminator storyline since

@Makidian: I know what you mean. I just don't see the point. Lets say I buy the game at the midnight release... well I have work in the morning so I'm not going to have time to play it at all. So I go to work and then come home and play.

I guess this would be for the other cancelled list, but it better be on there.

I haven't finished the game, but it's epic and dare I say... the best Halo game I've ever played. Don't care how it sold... just that fact that it was made and is awesome.

@Time Pilot AKA: The first app I paid for (donate version) back on my G1. Super useful when out shopping for guitars. Still not sure why it comes optimized for violins by default. Always have to remember to change that when I do a fresh install.

I'm ready for a new Zune HD. I hope they keep the design similar to the current lineup and I hope they keep the OLED screen. It's still the best OLED screen I've ever laid eyes on. Better than my Nexus One's even.

@TheMightyTexMex: That is EXACTLY what I thought and came to post. I love my Zune HD. As long as this is closer in size to the Nexus One and not a huge phone like the EVO, I definitely also WANT!

WP7 is looking damn good. I was already tempted before since I own a Zune HD, but this is definitely pushing me closer. I'm a happy Nexus One user and I love Android... but I'm really liking what Microsoft has been able to do here.

@TSmith: I understand it... but it doesn't make it any easier to read. It's a bad chart. Charts are supposed to make statistical information easy to read. This does the opposite.

My name is too ethnic to not raise some flags if I order one...

One of my favorite games so far this year. The length didn't bother me one bit. I don't have time for long games and I prefer quality over quantity.

@VoltCruelerz: It's just for a little fun and whimsy. What's life without that?

@Edge of Blade: You're a lucky man... Of course you are the exception and not the rule.

Right... cause 3rd party devs are what's wrong with Lucas Arts... Bioware and Telltale games basically brought Lucas Arts back into relevancy. This is really disappointing.