
He's wearing that very t-shirt in the Kill Bill Vol. 2 DVD bonus features. And the plot thickens…

Eat them up, yum…

I honestly half-believe Quentin wrote that into Kill Bill as an intentional Simpsons reference. It's just the kind of wacky thing he'd do.

I said God DA-YUM!

Tarantino once said in an interview, "I defy anyone to not want strudel when you see INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS. It doesn't matter that a Nazi is eating it. That strudel looks GOOD." Damned if he isn't right. Re-watch the moment where Shoshanna actually has a bite of it - in spite of herself, you can see on her face that

No mention whatsoever, in ANY of these "Best of 2013" articles, of the genius that is Wander Over Yonder? Probably the most frenetic, creatively-animated show since Ren & Stimpy, but with genuine heart, and without the gross-out gags. If you've never seen Wander Over Yonder, I envy you, because you still have your

He'll sue ya, if ya even look at him funny…

And the premiere of Song of the South was held in Atlanta.

Of course I don't think that. I know the man had his faults, and I hope this film portrays those faults with at least some degree of accuracy. Ray Charles and Andy Kaufman both had plenty of faults, and their biopics didn't entirely shy away from them. But Dowd seems to dismiss the very IDEA of Disney, the corporation

It's a biopic of both, clearly. Dowd seems to want Walt portrayed as a simple villain.

I know this is my third comment, but the more I think about this review the more Dowd's obvious cynical prejudice against Disney pisses me off. Of COURSE it's gonna be self-congratulatory. Did you go into RAY thinking it wouldn't praise Ray Charles? Did you think MAN ON THE MOON wouldn't praise Andy Kaufman? That's

You see, every Disney movie is by definition "Disneyfied" no matter the content. Everything from Pete's Dragon to The Lone Ranger to WALL-E.

If selling out looks like Disney's Mary Poppins, we should all hope to sell out someday.

Maybe it's just because Mary Poppins has been on my mind a lot recently, what with all the Saving Mr. Banks hype…but no mention of Dick Van Dyke as the old banker? I distinctly remember my eight-year-old mind being thoroughly blown when the letters rearranged to form his name at the end of the credits.


Not to be THAT guy, but it's Disney WORLD in Florida that has the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular. Disneyland in California has the ride "Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Forbidden Eye."

And I can't watch it without thinking of this. Watching it again just now, I actually found it disconcerting that the laugh wasn't immediately followed by "What's the difference between me and you?"…

Both Buzz Lightyears, together at last!

No mention of Men In Black II either. Sonnenfeld musta liked the guy or something…

All the ham? OH SHIT, WE'RE DOOMED!