
Y'know…Disney REALLY isn't as litigious these days as their reputation suggests. That reputation is largely based on a single incident from 1989 where they sued a chain of day cares for unlicensed use of their characters, but that incident got them so much bad press, they've since calmed down A LOT on copyright

What about Jay Chou in the 2011 Green Hornet movie? Let's cast a singer virtually unknown to the western world as Kato, a comedian virtually unknown to the eastern world as the Green Hornet, and make sure they have absolute ZERO chemistry together! It's a team-up for nobody!

Yeah, that's definitely the film's equivalent of the "good guys pet the dog, bad guys kick the dog" screenwriting rule. As if we didn't already despise Landa enough, he just HAD to ruin that delicious half-eaten dessert.

Fun fact: after "I'll Be There For You" hit big, "Weird Al" Yankovic wanted to parody it as "I'll Repair For You (Theme From Home Improvement)." The Rembrandts gave him permission, but the producers of Friends declined, saying they didn't want the original song to become "overexposed."

Actually, I just this moment noticed there's a blank week or so in the schedule right before Arcata. I'd bet my original VHS copy of The Compleat Al that THAT WEEK will soon be full o' California dates.

Eh, he always announces the California dates later on. I predict he'll probably do a whole big batch of CA dates towards the very end, culminating with a MASSIVE tour-ending homecoming show in Los Angeles at the Greek or the Pantages or something.

Then we'd all watch football, which in those days was called baseball!

No mention of anti-dentitism?

The Step By Step opening credits put an ocean next to Magic Mountain for some reason. Apparently the I-5 is flooded and it's the apocalypse.

You forgot the movie JACK FROST with Michael Keaton.

No mention of Redd Foxx in The Royal Family?

I still contend that D:D&LI doesn't quite deserve the flak; people just hate it because it's nowhere near as good as Young Frankenstein. There was no way it was ever going to be, and yet the unfair comparisons were inevitable. Still, it has its share of laughs. I especially love the stake-through-the-heart scene -

The crazy thing was, as an eleven-year-old kid, "Chokey Chicken" was nothing but a funny name. "Oh, the joke is that you choke on the chicken when you try to eat it," my young mind thought. But then when they changed it to Chewy Chicken…I wondered WHY. My curiosity for what could possibly be so wrong with a name like

No Country Bears records?

I distinctly remember the show BOSTON PUBLIC killing off a teacher in one episode…

In Al's Behind the Music special, Al recalled the exact conversation. Mark: "Well, sure, you can do the parody, but I have to play guitar on it." Al: "….well, okay, if you HAVE to!"

Asia - "Heat Of the Moment"

Whatever happened to that guy?

Say what you want about the SING THE BLUES album - yeah, as a whole it doesn't really work, but I still think "Deep Deep Trouble" and "Look At All Those Idiots" hold up surprisingly well to this day. Hell, "Deep Deep Trouble" was produced by DJ Jazzy Jeff at his DJ Jazzy Jeff-iest, and there's a brilliant moment