
BTW, I'm such a narcissistic me-geek I actually went through your comments looking for that other mention…it wasn't on an article about THIS film, it was on an article about MTV's "Jerks With Cameras." Sweet God I hope that title gets changed or that whole show withers and dies, because I can't afford to sue anyone.

True, but every time I read an article on this movie that said "ZOMG Disney's boogeyman lawyers will NEVER let this get released! This will NEVER be released!" I just sat there and thought "…MY show got released. Somehow. The odd series-of-tubes contraption I'm reading this on may have had something to do with it."

I've been producing my own DIY comedy web series show about (and shot on location at) the Disney parks for several years now (… ) and it's really not THAT hard. Cameras are hardly contraband there, and none of the cast members look askance at a guest pointing a camera at another guest with a