
You guys seem to cherry pick which of the many, many issues at Acti-Blizz you decide to report. Why did you completely ignore the video I sent you of the girl who is currently a live ops manager on COD mobile making a racist and homophobic rant? Is it because she’s a woman and thus doesn’t fit into the narrative

Cities: Skylines is great, but much like when PS+ included the Sims 4, the amount of DLC that you need to pick up to get the “full” experience makes it feel like you’re not so much getting a “free” title (and yes, I know it’s not really free because you pay for your PS+, etc.). Instead it feels like you’re getting a

For the most part, I’ve respected Garland’s work more than enjoyed it. That being said, I’ve really been enjoying Devs so far. I’m not sure if it has more to do with TV just being a better medium for him to get his ideas out there or if it’s because as someone who currently lives in Silicon Valley, and who really

So far, for me, this new look has been extremely buggy. Modules and articles are overlapping each other in the layout to the point where I can’t even tell what the headline(s) are, clicking on articles sometimes loads them and other times loads the ads but not the actual content. Clicking on “Latest” seemed to bring

But aren’t all calico cats female?

I haven’t seen the show, so I can’t say how it plays out or whatever. But, yeah, also as a producer this made me crazy to read. In real life, I suspect that patch would not be getting released and that programmer would be on a PIP (if not just outright let go).

Sounds like you’re lucky. I have worked many, many, many weekends and often not for something coming out that Monday. And most of my European colleagues have been doing it along with our teams in the states. 

On PS4 (non-pro), the only issues I’ve had are texture pop-ins and a couple enemies who got stuck on geography and were thus easy kills. Oh and the wookies look terrible (not a bug, they just look like crap). I do know someone who had their ship disappear on Dathomir (the crew members were just floating in the air).

I think it was just a remix, really. The piano sounded to me like it was from the original track but with some speed ramping going on. The other instrumentation sounded very Trent Reznor (and Atticus Ross, I suppose). Plus with NIN and Bowie having toured together (and NIN doing the single remix of “I’m Afraid of

You mean you don’t want to play Farm Simulator on Stadia?!? (just kidding, Stadia is garbage. I worked on it and still think it’s a steaming pile of trash)

Is it really discrimination, though? Or is it that she is painfully unfunny? I used to watch Night at the Apollo and when she hosted it, she was somehow LESS funny than Sinbad... Frickin’ SINBAD!!!!

For the most part, I really enjoyed this and am looking forward to the next episode. However, I think Pedro Pascal is horribly cast. His voice just doesn’t work for me. Everybody keeps comparing him to Clint Eastwood, but I am getting much more of a Nathan Fillion in Firefly vibe, which really is just an imitation of

This is a really fun idea. I wish everything had a shuffle function (I’m looking at you, Netflix).

I really want this game but I can tell that the issues would make me drop it after a session or two right now. Hopefully, it’ll get a patch or some mods to smooth things out. Also, IgnitedPenguin wins best comment.

Is there actually anyone who is defending him who isn’t also a rich, famous streamer? Seriously, screw streaming culture. I think it’s the worst thing to happen to games. It creates wealthy celebrities out of already over-privileged brats, it encourages the “games as a service” model, and it gives a platform to racist

I played that game a few months ago. It is not fun, but extremely satisfying once you’ve beaten it!

Wow. You guys are really beating the Destiny 2 dead horse on here. I get that there have been some major updates, changes in business model, etc. but this 2 year old game gets more kotaku coverage than most new games.

By popular demand, here’s a picture of him and his “little” sister:

This is one of the reasons that I think the Stadia has potential to be really awesome. No updates!

At his chonkiest, my cat was 30 lbs. He’s now in the mid-20s. He is a beast. When he walks by me, his back is about knee high and his tail goes almost to my waist (I’m slightly over 5'8", for reference). He’s also the biggest scaredy-cat (is it really a pun when it’s literal?) of all time. His relatively smaller