
It’s a pretty clear false dichotomy. Black Panther was a Marvel movie, sure. But it was also a grown-up film with something to say about the legacy of racism that was at least as sophisticated as anything Scorsese said in The Departed. Which, last I checked, was the film that Scorsese finally won an Oscar for.

This is and always has been a shallow and classist way to talk about art.

“I mean that’s like saying Bugs Bunny ain’t funny. Films are films. Everybody doesn’t like his stuff either. Everybody’s got an opinion, so I mean it’s okay. Ain’t going to stop nobody from making movies.”

Last night msnbc called Warren “petulant”.  They would NEVER use that phrase for a male candidate.

She’s spoken openly about how and why her politics changed.  Her evolving as a person and politician are MORE reason to support her.  This is not a talking point, stop bringing it up.

I have a freakishly good long term memory when it comes to my early childhood. For instance, I can vividly remember the bedtime routine that my mother - who died when I was young - took me through each night. She would carry me on her hip, and we would go all throughout the house so that I could say goodnight to

This is what white people voted for.

This asshole is like a 4th grader thinking of crazy shit to do to people. He probably drew the plans out on the back of his placemat at Arby’s.

“Where are my laser sharks?!

Pretty sure that doing that would technically be a declaration of war with Mexico.

Raise your hand if you aren’t the least bit surprised that Trump would suggest shooting Mexicans. 

This is how fucking dumb he is, Alligators don’t attack humans, Crocodiles do. There will need to be a moat filled with snakes, Crocodiles, a fire breathing dragon and a picture of his ugly ass mother surrounding his grave because the line will be in the billions of those wanting to shit, piss or vomit on it. When

Now playing

Not sure how many follow Patriot Act, but Hasan Minhaj did a great teardown of Blum and this case last year:

You mean to tell me white privilege exists even though they tell us they are the victims of affirmative action ? lol

For all the trolls bleating about the supposed lack of an “explicit quid pro quo,” it’s right there in the middle of the fucking call:

Two words: Fuck, and Yes.

This is totally par for the course for Bernie’s supporters, a cohort of edgelords for whom politics has become a tribal bloodsport, yet paradoxically have nothing of substance at risk with any of these elections (save their egos). They will gleefully shipwreck this country and all our futures in the name of

Cant wait for the white Bernie supporters to come explain how this was all trolls and not actual Bernie supports, ignoring the numerous persons of color, women, and especially women of color who have been documenting it for 4 years now. They know about it better than the people experiencing it and they are here to

To be clear: if Bernie is the nominee, I will vote for him. I truly like some of his platforms.

I am enjoying the irony of Bernie supporters basically saying “it’s his turn” because of his success in the previous election.