
I’m worried that you’re sitting here assuming all Latinx ppl are POC. The biggest issue is the concept of the “Latino vote.” Y’all are putting rich white Cubans, Boriquas (who are actually American), and Argentinians in the same bucket as black Dominicanos and indigenous Mexicanos. Throw us in the same bucket, call us

This “The Latinx vote delivered Trump victories” is really rubbing me the wrong way. Firstly, the Mexican-American vote delivered Arizona to Biden and keeps the California consistently blue, and made Texas competitive this year. People with roots in Central America tend to vote for Democrats. 30% of Latinx ppl voted

I’m hearing a lot of people who didn’t vote/voted 3rd party in 2016 complaining and being so gosh-darn mad at those pesky Republicans. But there was no way to avoid this, right? Both parties are EXACTLY the same, right? The ACA’s made itself back to the Supreme Court, so that’s likely going to get struck down now. But

This is the other interesting this: When I call cops, I don’t necessarily expect them to come at all. I grew up in the hood and called the cops when I was 11, there were two men trying break into my house. More than 20 years later, I’m still waiting for them to show up. I had to scare them away by making a banging

Lean In” is a book and idea for white women who already have some money and are willing to abandon their morality in exchange for money and power. I mean, that’s definitely an audience but if we can all stop asking this woman about what women in general should do to get ahead, that would be great.

It literally is, though. There’s an emerging “Anyone but Warren” group and ppl who shat their pants about Hillary Clinton having a flu are staying pretty silent about Sanders having a heart attack. She’s absolutely going to face sexist attacks, because that’s the kind of country this is.

And it should be noted that these women are fucking heroes. Political dissent and criticism of the government are not protected rights. People have been murdered, raped, tortured, or just wiped off the face of the earth for protesting. 

The fuck is happening here?


I wasn’t really annoyed by this. Nobody’s going to get my vote just because they speak Spanish but I appreciate that our support (as a community) is beginning to be taken seriously. Side note: These are some incredibly smart people who received their educations from some of the best universities in the country, they’d

Real question: How is this shitrag out of the greys? He’s a troll and not a very good one at that. I wish there was more moderating going on here. This is getting old.

Do those high waisted bikini things really work for a lot of people? Am I the only one whose rolls get worse if you cut them off at the waist? Is this just for smoothing out women who are already pretty hourglass figured? So many questions!

Probably to the same extent in some places. I should clarify, I am Mexican American and have a lot of family still living in Mexico. Parts of the country have improved but others are pretty much the same or have gotten worse. My dad’s side of the family is beginning to see more gang/drug violence (the military patrols

This person’s a troll, you’re wasting your time. But, just for future reference, you can tell someone like this that there was no family separation policy under Obama (source below) and that the children being kept in cages at the border are 1) either too young to leave on their own (how the fuck is a 4-yr-old

They don’t want to stay in Mexico because the problems they’re fleeing are present there as well.

“i’M a LiBEraL mYseLF”

I’m into true crime so these are all in that genre but I’ve liked:

Are you American? Are you Native American? You can be as American as apple pie and not be Native. Same principle applies here. You can be Mexican (or any Latin American) and not be indigenous. But your opinion on indigenous issues just doesn’t carry weight.