
“We love our Hispanics as long as they don’t look hispanic.” Jesus, it’s not even a racist dog whistle. It’s just a regular racist whistle. It’s a racist air raid siren.

Did you interview Pink for this article? I would really like an explanation from her on why she allowed her race to be so ambiguous, why she really refused to clarify it when asked, and why she used a terrible blaccent for so long.

Today I watched Lost Highway and realized its much better than I remembered. I also remembered that I went on a date to see it and we witnessed a guy jerking off during one of the sex scenes. The jerk off dude has done more in his life to deserve media coverage than any of these two messes this articles about.

This is some serious white people shit.

First time saying this: thank god I’m too old to give a shit.


Sometimes I think the greatest feat of political gamesmanship the Republicans have pulled in the last 40 years is how thoroughly they have gotten in the heads of Democrats of a certain generation.

That’s not a particularly big mirror in the last pic.

It makes me very happy to peer into my garage gym and ruminate on how assembling everything in there cost about as much as 3 months of a Crossfit or fancy gym membership. Sometimes, when I’m really feeling frisky, I’ll even grab a rag and wipe off some of the dust.

Correct. God bless America.

At least he’s actually trying again. Was phoning it in for a while there.

Shut up, tomato.

He did all that math between cocaine fueled rapes I’m guessing. Probably with stolen chalk he took from white children.

This must be fake news. I mean, he’s Mexican, and according to our President, he must then be a rapist or a drug dealer or something, and everyone knows those guys don’t have time for physics equations.

the criminals are admitting who influenced them. it’s republicans. again, because you must have something stuck in your ears or something, the criminals are openly admitting this, how fucking hard is it to understand?

Cesar Sayoc. The El Paso Shooter. Dylan Roof. The Christchurch shooter (directly stated he was inspired by Trump). Shall I go on?

Anyone who is not on board with real, comprehensive gun control in this country is part of the problem. If you vote for politicians who are against gun control, you are part of the problem. Nothing will change in this country until specific, measurable, and actionable gun laws are in place and strictly enforced. You

The Republicans will use ANYTHING they can to deflect blame from the fact that they have been sticking their toes in the waters of racism since Nixon, and stoking the flames of hate and violence the whole time. They refuse to do anything sensible about gun violence. They refuse to address their racist base of violent

In corporate culture, many women feel the need to compete. It’s basically cool girl syndrome for grown ups. They are the roughest, toughest, most savage bitch at the conference table, and don’t you forget it.

The thing that impresses me most about some of the tools that have lamprey’d onto this regime is how filled to bursting they are with red herrings, straw men, and irrelevancies. What’s shameful is how transparent they are.