
"Claire feels almost like a disembodied character, motivated by some sort of Kilgravian-mind control"

Oh yes. Almost no 'actors' In the movie, afaik its the company itself. It's built around a number of very different ballets, each with a few rehearsal snippets and than the finished performance. In fact, in that movie you can skip the 'story' altogether and just watch the dancing without missing much. Sometimes I get

seemed hilarious to begin with, but you sound like there is a tech angle the rest of us missed. Clue us in?

You're looking at the wrong cat, kitty ;-) I meant 'before' as in 'years before picking up martial arts' not as in 'hours before hitting the mat'. The issue is muscle memory, not state of exhaustion.

I can't speak in general, and the term 'muscle-bound' I only quoted from the comments here, but I can confirm that I have witnessed something to that effect in practice in martial arts. Guys who had spent a lot of time in the gym before starting lessons usually faced serious speed problems at the beginning. The reason

The 'Red Shirt' is a TV trope named after the original Star Trek, describing an expendable nameless extra introduced only to be killed off. Full nerdy details here:…

Right, forgot about that. That apology does not make sense unless he came as support for Oliver, not because he personally cared about the person in the grave.

Spin kicks are about the least effective technique in a fight. You never do them for any purpose but to look cool….

I seem to remember that it was even discussed here in the comment sections. I recall the term 'muscle-bound' being discussed, as in 'muscle-mass inhibiting movement'. In terms of general athletics it makes sense insofar as sports that need extreme flexibility (like rythmic gymnastics or ballet) make sure muscle

Is that what we are supposed to see? Whoa, are we on the wrong track here. Haven't we already seen an episode where Oli happily tortured a guy for hours, among other things pulverizing a few bones with a hammer, to the degree that a shocked Argus agent felt a coup de grace was in order - and that for no other reason

Thanks for sticking up for the flashbacks. And in terms of plot relevance, you did not even mention how his particular badness this week was killing a friend's brother, who happened to be under the influence of a bad guy at the time, which technically made the killing legitimate self-defense, which as it turns out

The fact that a) she has a company and he has a baby, not to mention that b) he has a wife and she has an Oli now? Seems the spare time for hanging around the Arrow-cave outside assignment time is getting scarce.

Barry was there.

When he changed his MO there was an episode where he carefully gift-wrapped bad guys injured with non-lethal shots. And when he gets into a fight with Thea one time they are discussing hand-to-hand techniques aiming to incapacitate opponents as opposed to techniques that aim to cripple. I am just going with that

Well, she did complain about him setting up his own people. So now he finds her a bad guy. Classic Malcolm logic. Such an attentive sweetheart.

Can't suck out the life force of a vampire? (I mean, she's been re-animated, suffering from a 'bloodlust' that's sated by killing….that's what she is, right?).

No disagreement that the fighting doesn't look convincing, but gotta acknowledge the facts - she was intensely trained at least for a few months by Nyssa.

Lincoln might be a whiny brat, but if they ever get around to forming a superhuman team it could be a huge asset to have one person around who actually knows *something* about inhuman culture, powers and history. I mean, everybody else is ultimately just guessing or dabbling, right? I hope they get around to using

Though you have to admit - the SETUP of Age of Ultron did make the AoS gang look pretty good. I mean, without our little gang, the Avengers wouldn't have had the intelligence on the Hydra base, not to mention that Phil built Fury that Helicarrier to rescue all those people…