
Sure, but that was the whole point of the last season finale…. Not only does he know he forgot SOMETHING, he even knows it is something crucially important to his life, because of the holes the memories left all over his own timeline. I loved how Bill's reminder hit him like a ton of bricks in that scene.

Can I just state for the record that I miss the good old days when Arrow shamelessly objectified its lead with those gratuitous salmon ladder shots?

A few weeks ago the review read "Arrow goes political". I think the whole season has, because this weeks ep made a pretty big statement connected to a longer exploration on political corruption and the role of a free press. Considering that comic-based superhero shows aren't the exactly the best-known vehicle for

Artemis sold the team to Prometheus, so I'd assume she's on the run or locked up…

Hi Caroline! This season might feel less scattered if you consider one topic for the meta-narrative: IDENTITY.

why would Michael's death change what Rafael pays for his child? Especially considering that they made formal legal arrangements about his role and rights?

it was made very clear in the show - remember the fight with Micheal over money a few eps back. They discuss the baby gym, and Jane says "I have to pay for something". So obviously Raf is paying for pretty much everything Mateo-related. They also hashed out the conditions of his trust fund in one episode longer back.

So happy somebody agrees. I was so glad they finally seemed to take Rafs character into a more substantive direction. Being member of the tiny minority that never really cared about Michael, the last two weeks were a nice development. If they turn back the clock now, and reduce Raf's role to yet another contrived

Just wanted to say that I totally agree. They all forget that Rafs main motivation in the beginning was his desperate wish to have a real family while fighting cancer and being caught between his cold father, scheming stepmother, bitchy wife, and addict sister. Jane came into his life not as a pretty girl to seduce,

Not quite as big a fan turnaround as one Rodney McKay, but yeah, something did definitely change there…

I think what people are trying to point out is that Daisy was smart and turned herself into a bona fide hero for the good cause BEFORE she ever got her powers. So she is not a fantasy. She is a legit role model because her powers are not a defining quality for what she is. The powers are just another weapon she

Remember "Don't worry. She's tougher than you think. She has been kidnapped three times since I first met her. Two of those times on THIS planet."? I thought she had tons of non-Fitz stuff the whole season.

I meant the actual Inhumans movie. It has be postponed to at least 2020 or 2021, but afaik it is not formally cancelled.

because he never bothered to learn the Rainbow of Security, of course. Gotta know its the orange that gets direct emails, because it contains both yellow and red!

Welcome aboard. Been there from Day 1, never gave up on them, and always happy to see ppl joining the fun. Here's to hoping Bobby and Hunter will be back.

So agree. It has been hinted at continuously since season 1 that there was more to them. Whoever says that this is forced, or a twist, might want to do a re-watch….

Not to mention the movies?

No hint? Let me rephrase that: NO HINT??????

Jemma remembered seeing the brain scan, so they would probably assume the replacement took place shortly after. Also, Coulson stated how he was drinking and talking with her. So yes, there is a sense that she has been gone for quite a while.

I actually love the fact that they don't have one Big Bad, but all sorts of people with random obsessions that turn them into a collective problem. The threat is, in fact, epic - there is not just one person to blame for all the badness, so you can't really win this fight. The goalposts keep shifting. It's refreshing.