
Exactly. And since Nissa took over Laurel's training, there was really no reason to keep him around?

Not following. Last season caught Oli in the middle between two guys who ripped apart his world piece by piece just to make him do their bidding. The fallout is almost universal. How does Sarah's resurrection undo any of this?

His first name is 'Agent'…

a) no body found
b) no more lazarus pit
c) the thing that the pit was never meant for actual resurrections somehow doesn't seem to stick

Had he stayed any longer, that special kind of yummy would have inevitably stirred up trouble. Imagine them giving Matt Ryan and Willa Holland the screen for real just for one minute. Judging from the chemistry created in seconds between his smirk, her comment, and Olivers reaction, we'd spend the next year crying

I think the 'cultivating' argument works quite well. Granted, DD ensures basic collaboration through blackmail, but Lance is not a happy camper. If a specific question bothers him (one name on the list), it makes sense to scratch that itch, to undermine any doubts turning into obsession.

Small nitpick. There is one model that comes rather close to the guaranteed salary pipeline: Some expensive business schools charge high student fees, but automatically pre-finance them through in-house loans. The debt is repayable five years after the degree - but only if the salary of the graduate exceeds a certain

Most cringe-worthy to me was the fact that that 'seminar' sensitized some female associates so much, they completely forgot that the 'fragile old man' is never too tired and never in too much pain when a chance for some groping or sexist comments presents itself. I agree that even a a complete a*** can have a

Bit confused as well. surely one would want to report the guy, file charges and get *everybody* their money back? Even if Jason wanted to get the client an immediate result, any threat or physical violence would come up in an official investigation - does that mean he let the guy go on scamming? Doesn't sound right

I find it interesting that the show essentially presents the two sides of a classic moral dilemma with ATU and SHIELD. Both units have prisons. Both plan on finding all Inhumans. Both will hold them against their will. But one agency sees them as a disease that needs to be quarantined and stamped out (sorry, 'cured').

S2E4? So, no superhumans. No canon characters. leaving before episode reviews included sentences like "In the first 10 minutes, Mockingbird kicks open a door in a slow motion and guns down a room full of Hydra agents without a wasted bullet. In the last 10 minutes, Quake unleashes a shockwave that turns trees into

Didn't half the comment section sign up for that? The reveal was so much NOT a surprise, I actually regretted reading the discussion. Normally I don't mind being spoiled, but this time I knew I had deprived myself of a serious WTF?! moment I would have enjoyed.

Really?. May bullying Bobbi into the field, and then running the op like a half-wit? I guess that is what you get when the calvary calls the shots.

If this plot made any sense at all, I would agree. But since the writers decided to ignore that A FELLOW US AGENT/SOLDIER IS F*** STRANDED ON AN ALIEN PLANET, I am pretending that scene never happened. AoS is a traditional hero show, the traditional formula of good guys = leave no man behind is built in. Making this

But you gotta admit: If your personal aim is to not to run a country, but to be fixer for top-secret badass spy agencies, boss around military black ops types, and play the president like a puppet, the role model works. Can't think of any, or more suitable alternative reads, even for a good girl….

I know it's nitpicking, but for some reason it ikrs me that the team keeps calling Reverse Flash "Wells". After discovering the bad guy was somebody else, I thought they would start referring to him as "Thawne". Wells did not kill Barry's mother. Eobart Thawne did. Dr. Wells was Barry's childhood hero, wouldn't Barry

Do they really have chemistry? I like Patty as a character, and I am open to any pairing that works. But their encounters so far have been scripted a bit too on-the-nose for my taste. I think the writers need to stop trying so hard on the dating front, and create more situations with Barry and Patty working together,

Well, okay. I guess in the end most of us agree on the reasons for being fans of Arrow and Amell, and indeed the word Emmy seems unlikely to play a role in that conversation.

I think Amell has delivered a number of quite outstanding performances of the years. Just think about his heart-to-heart with Lance last week. Of course, few performances are flashy, flashback-Playboy-Oli and Suburban-Bliss-Oli are as exalted as the character gets.

I think most grown up women in the audience might have issues with that ranking… though the definition of 'chemistry' as applicable to one Stephen Amell should probably not be discussed while the kids you mention are around…