
One of the better ones, but no Feast of Friends.

Island flashback as seen from Constantine perspective:

High bar, indeed. Cross-overs between running shows and running spin-offs no problem, Law&Order franchise probably tops the list for most episodes, Arrow-verse, Doctor Who/Torchwood of course. Cross-overs between running unrelated shows of same creative team also, rare, but exist, most bizarre one I ever saw was

Agree about the disappointing ghost realm. Would have welcomed more fire, smoke and magic, a look and fighting style that is far removed from normal Arrow visuals and makes Oli and Laurel look entirely out of place.

Since TV-heaven can be found just by typing "watch series online" into a search engine, multiple mention of the word impossible makes me wonder if different rules apply to seekers on US soil….

Seems my writing suffers the same shortcomings as just observed for the writing of the character: Interpretation options way beyond the intentions (and lingo-capabilities) of the author… ;-)

The work they invested into creating 'city' footage specifically for Gotham was indeed one of the few impressive things of the show. I had not consciously thought about that, but now that you are pointing it out, there is definitely something missing in terms of atmosphere here.

I'm not sure about that. She feels like a 'Devil wears Prada' ripoff, but then, that one was based on a real person. Common denominator in one sort of contemporary business success story is a founder who is a total control freak and has a very specific vision on the key feature of the product (its design, quality,

Compliment to the reviewer or comment on the show? All in on the first. On the fence for the latter.

THANK YOU! I was waiting for somebody to say that. I mean, I don't mind her working with a specialized government agency that has the same goals she has. But when he treats her like a regular Rookie agent, I am waiting for her to at least grab his wrist, and not let him move for 10 seconds. YOU know, just to remind

Really not so sure why everybody says that. She is cute and perky, but I personally find her here about as bland here as on Glee. I'm definitely missing some spark/spirit that makes me want to watch her just for the sake of her performance. Which a successful lead should have.

Had to look now…

My love affair with the crazy German continues nevertheless. Her pronunciation was insane, but at least they got the lines right these days. Her whole "of course I know the bitch who ruined my life"-tirade (translated as "no") was hilarious. Favourite language moments this week though was when they 'corrected' the

That comparison is so mind-boggling, I'm not surprised you never heard anything to dissuade you. That sounds like the opposite of what comes to my mind. Maybe I need to expand my experience with drunken Scottish…

I find it interesting that last week it was an issue that Rafael 'stole' that kiss (even pointed out in the review itself), but now that Michael exploits the fact that Jane is DRUNK and hot from the dance-floor to get his, it's a side-note, not a problem. Especially given that she did NOT go for the kiss in that

You might be surprised, but I actually agree with you on the core part - kiling off too big a part of an effective ensemble probably killed TW. It does not make MD compelling TV, but MD started with the deck stacked against it.

I honestly thought the password would be 'Felicity'. Which would retro-actively give a sense to the messages popping up on her phone.

Native speaker. Didn't stop me from getting it wrong last time, though…. But I can say that is adds a totally new level of fun to watching this season. The way that German actor spit out "Sie ist einfach UN-AUS-STEHLICH!" (She is totally insufferable!) in the face of Louisa's histrionics was a pitch-perfect culture

You are really curious?

"Trade wanted: salmon ladder for quality slow cooker". Now there's an entry for the classifieds.