
It sounded like "She has no clue. She knows nothing" and then "Yes, mother. Now, mother." So I thought it was him talking to HIS mother. But I could be wrong.

Funny, the scene was in the 'previously on', and it sounded a bit different - seems you had it a bit better than me, this time I heard "Ran an sie, sofort". Which nobody would ever say in that context, but it does make a bit more sense. Unfortunately, now its not hilarious anymore… :-(

LOL. I knew an instructor who used to say: "100lb. That's a sack of concrete. If you throw a sack of concrete at somebody, even a very big guy will not slap it aside with one hand!" But having thus properly reinforced the confidence of the 100lb girls in the room, he usually went on how you have to fight completely

Well, they needed one nice, straight-laced girl-scout that used to see the best even in a useless playboy, and one playful sister who is a) hot enough to make the boyfriend run off with her and b) carefree enough to actually go with him.

Nope, she wasn't the original. She is an IT genius, he is a (mechanical) engineer. He builds stuff, she programs stuff. If I recall correctly, Star Labs got algorithms from her, and now Team Arrow gets hardware from him. I think it makes sense. Besides, the new genius is not in the secret superhero loop yet, so it

not the wedding ring, but engagement ring. I really enjoyed the reminder, I am waiting for the resolution of that one. Just to recap: Oliver put the ring in a fancy soufflé prepped as desert during a romantic dinner. But then the gang called from Star City, Felicity couldn't wait to get back into the crime fighting,

Completely agree about the fighting being a big part of the problem. I think the fights for both Thea and Laurel are choreographed entirely wrong, the physics of the techniques just don't add up with their weight and body type, even if you give lots of leeway for comic TV. I haven't been in a sparring ring for years,

Totally agree. Literally seconds before Fitz pulls her through the portal, the guy she has been living with vanishes into a sandstorm with a monster. After six month of complete isolation from anyone but that person - why would she come back silent and hiding in her room? Wouldn't it make more sense for her to

I thought that was the leftover dead wood from the former "paradise"? The 'living' plants seemed to be all underground or mossy, which makes sense, since leaves are only useful for photosynthesis.

Luckily you did it this time. I thought that self-ranking on the Kinsey scale was a delightful comment. Very geek-compatible. Laughed out loud and made a note to try it sometime. Whoever finds that offensive will hopefully never discover the comment sections of early Arrow and its salmon ladder….

You don't think a negative review can be written in a more entertaining and less repetitive way? I do. Over the years I abandoned more then one bad show on screen, but kept up with reviewers who managed to slaughter them week after week with utterly enjoyable articles dripping with irony and well-measured ridicule.

As flat as Gotham is at times, I'll do a first and stop reading the AV reviews before I stop catching the occasional episode. For weeks now, coming here ends in a deja vu. So, its about tonal inconsistencies and failed ambitions? I got that the first twelve times. How would you rate TV-Show writing THAT repetitive?

Not that I saw anything. The question is, who is trying to exact vengeance on Rose by way of Luisa? That's what they implied, right?

I had such high hopes when Luisa came back all sober and giving good advice. I would have liked to see Rafael with his own support system. So sad to have her back on the silly track.

I agree that this was Rafael 'stealing' a kiss in an opportune happy moment, not just a celebratory kiss. But I think that was all about getting Jane back, and not about letting Petra witness it, indeed I felt the review drew the wrong conclusion. I think the scene was written as a kiss Rafael would have gone for in

Who even remembers the Blowfish? A minute later came John Hart!

Trust me, that was neither Swiss nor Austrian, or even an attempt at it, that accent was American and nothing else. I think the rolling "r" was a voice coach trying to help with (high) German pronunciation.

hadn't thought about that one. My #switched guess of the ep is on the sperm. I mean, did Petra really inseminate herself with Rafael's sperm? Seems WAY to easy and much too casual handling of his second and last potential child.

The woman at the end of the episode was indeed meant to speak German. It did not make sense without the caption and the pronunciation is wonderfully artificial, but she says "Rennen Sie. Sofort." For a German speaker it was a hilarious moment, because properly translating the meaning she says "Sprint. Now", not "go

Totally agree about Louisa. I loved it when she came back sober, when everybody else had succumbed to so much drama that she - of all people - suddenly was the grounded one with the priorities in order. It's a pity they take that character development back so quickly. Wasted opportunity.