Yahmo Bethere

UPS?! Try DHL. "TENDERED TO DELIVERY SERVICE PROVIDER" for the last 3 damn days.

Not just Colin. Those of us who live in red or purple states knew this.

They don't understand. Too many people think if we just heal their "economic" koff insecurity we'll be fiiiiiine.

I love this: "yes, they are our enemies. You cannot come to a compromise with them. They see no value in your humanity, stop trying to shake hands with theirs. You're not proving you're better or a child of God. You're literally standing in your own way. This does not mean take up arms, incite violence, etc. It simply

I really hope the Dems don't take the bait. Let the lawyers handle it.

If someone had said that to me, I would have gotten up and walked off like Viola.

Where is she from? Is she religious?

Chiiiiile. On these FB streets I've seen many a medical professional and caretaker break down the stage of dementia he's in.

Darth Susan

You are preaching up in here.

I went from teen to adult in the 90s. It was disgusting how many so-called progressives (inc. Black folks) regurgitated Rush Limbaugh's vomit.

I have many an issue with Clinton, Inc.

It isn't complex. That word is not a part of their history. They are not my people. They need to stay in their lane.

My workmode kicked in after their balcony chat. He needs to brief Davos and Sansa (Brienne if necessary) before meeting with the Northmen/women.

I get that he wanted to keep the Karstarks from rebelling and becoming wight fodder. It would have been cool to see Lady Mormont ruling the Dreadfort too.

I nodded myself into vertigo at that line.

Hush yo mouth. Don't stop believin' that it will be epic.

I swear he's the Night King.

I laughed myself silly at this scene. The womanist in me is like "leave her alone!" But I still laugh at him every time.

I'm a big believer of knowing cardinal directions. I despise drivers who solely rely on GPS. It keeps people from thinking.