Yahmo Bethere

When you have mass family abandonment by the male partner, that will happen. Que no?

"They think by appealing to politics, unity, identity that they can somehow avoid or evade the whimsical nature of customer's choices."

I would love to see a regional analysis of these attitudes.

They really need to dig into the we are the world POC schism.

The Black wing of the party is too busy trying to save seats that are turning Mexican. They forgot (hmph) that the CBC should be more than a party.

Madonna vs. whore.

The York people drifted away from regular (trust me, I've seen it up close).

I guess she expected a lot of ankhs and bullet wounds.

The schooling stuff has always been talked about by black people. The people who listened were the type not to be sucked down by the educational system.

He didn't start the conversation. He hijacked and distorted it so that he could get coins and travel to Japan.

It is also not a problem first articulated by Umar.


Fascinating that corporate America has a hotep to which you must shuffle.

You could be another sort of "resource officer".

Yes. The single mother is at fault. Not the male who made her one and is nowhere near that school.

No! They are enchanted beings! NOT zombies!!

Hondo Ohnaka

How I feel about Scandal and House of Cards.