Yahmo Bethere

HHPhiBeta - the livest dorm (sans Greensferry bullet holes)!

CCH Pounder!

CRA (and other statutes) have implementing regulations interpreted at the Executive Branch level and Judiciary if need be.

I went to an HBCU. My buddies from Seattle and Tacoma had $1400 tickets and never went home for Thanksgiving. LA and Bay Area had it a little easier.

Needs a straw boater and a grimace.

*nods vigorously*

I'm a Spelman grad. It's not so serious. I declined Wellesley (and an awesome state school) b/c I need a break. PWI for the JD.

So he also woke up with Diddy's hoohoodilly in his mouth?

The no effect thing.

"Crabs are supposed to swim in the sea!"

Other than the asking out, you are wholly incorrect. Add onto that: exotical phenotype, 24 in waist, 5 in heels.

Margery slipped her a note and urged her back to Highgarden.

I asked, "is Samwell just going to be doing nasty shit this season"?

Are you me?

I did my post-Tommen chuckle.

I laughed when he came down that gang plank. He is just too flamboyant for the Iron Island.

Not the Narrow Sea or Blackwater Bay.

He knew they were at Dragonstone.

The amount of poppy milk that would take would put Jorah down for good.

Ointment in a bowl! He had a tray full of stuff!! Watch again.