Yahmo Bethere

After that scene, I LITERALLY danced to the theme song.

Black parents served their daughters up to him.

Those parents succumbed to Don't Take a Brutha Down Mentality. A witness refused to testify. Consider why.

This happened when I was a college freshman. How people could continue to be so obtuse was beyond me.

I noticed a shift in their responses too. I would always provide "Ehrlichmann" receipts if someone has a question.

Had family who lived here for decades. If you had told me when I was 10 that I'd be living in DC as an adult, I would have cried.

Sounds like promotion material.



I toured Monticello a decade ago and a white woman audibly scoffed when the docent talked about the Hemmings. The side-eye I gave her damn near lit the library on fire.

Let's not soften the hatred by pretending that they don't hate us. They DO. They can like themselves plenty fine and just hate you. Black = male.

Do you strong arm the deli or do you use a weapon?

We're waiting on feedback from Gin-soaked Peggy Noonan and her "friend" Oscar the Dominican.

You can get capicola at Publix. *lifts pinky*

"watch their fucking mouth" indeed. Too many people are blinded by his be-spectacled, gold-button blazered appearance to really follow the insidiousness of his consistent themes.

And those fundamental problems are a creation of the party to whom he is beholden. See his utlization of the following dog-whistles to beckon unto them: "Portland, New York and San Francisco". Portland? Not Chicago or Philly? Not Boston? Hell, not St. Louis or New Orleans?

He married his "research assistant".

That's basically Frito pie in a different container.

This is so random and disturbingly accurate.

Exactly. Trump is Gauche (eats taco salad bowls instead of flying to Guadalajara).