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But I liked that voice actor. The ‘there is no chicken’ line was in response to a bit Craig did each night about how the studio audience were actually hobos who only came in because they were promised free chicken. There was more of a give and take between Geoff and Craig after they brought in the actor. It still

This fucking sucks. I went to high school with Grant, and he was one of those people who literally never said or did a single thing that wasn’t kind or thoughtful. When he made it big, doing the weirdly brilliant stuff he loved, I was happy, because it meant the world was working the way it was supposed to: greatly

Pour a little out for Geoff Peterson tonight. One of the times I got to see a taping of Craig Ferguson’s show, Geoff had just been installed. At one point during a bit with Craig, Geoff turned to the audience and said, ‘There is no chicken.’

Why is minding one’s damn business hard? I mean really. If you’re not paying for it or it isn’t impacting you, why the hell should you care?

The demographic of protesters is inspirational. White people need to call out their own EVERY - TIME. The victim has no power unless the status quo is supportive.

Yes! All of my yes! I’m disabled, and have been essentially homebound for several years now (other than for medical appointments and physical therapy). It’s funny to me that I now sleep in the same kinds of clothes that I wear during the day. Sleep stretchy yoga pants? Daytime stretchy yoga pants! Sleep bra? Daytime

Don’t sleep on “Top Secret Recipes,” tucked away by the reply card perforation — restaurant knock-offs galore, and while a ‘Lite’ label is usually concerning, it’s a reliable series so it’s worth a try. (Forget Burpee’s complete gardener, friend; we’re not espaliering pear trees at our summer estate. Rodale’s

As an H cup, even submitting to my previously comfy t-shirt bras feels like an enormous burden. The ladies have tasted the freedom of no bra and pajamas for too long. To prevent underboob sweat on hot days, I use Lush dusting powder. Free your titties, free your mind

Marriage and quarantine have given me some extra pounds, so my breasts have gained a cup and my stomach has also expanded. The increased amount of skin to skin contact drives me bonkers, especially when I’m sweating. The times where I wear a shirt without a bra I just tuck it under my tiddies all the time.

Counterpoint: Bras are bad.

The only reason this is biting her is because how this dealership operates. As noted in the source article, one of the male employees was on that very same site. All he got was teased. Another male employee also groped another female employee, no mention of a reprimand for him.

Let’s buy some ad time on Fox to promote an Eichmann pardon and see what happens.

1993 was the last year an undergraduate could pay a year of tuition through a summer time minimum wage job.

“i have a worthless liberal arts degree and this minimum wage barista job means i can’t afford to pay it back” feels like someone who never took their obligation seriously to begin with - they did not plan for how to pay it back.

“Vers is a Starforce traitor! The treaty with Xandar is liberal nonsense! Build the wall to keep out the Skrulls! Make the Empire Great Again!”

I’ve also enjoyed a cashew in a curried chicken salad.

White people need to get to the point where they can read this article all the way through and understand without getting offended. When I read things like this, of course I think to myself “I’m not like the white people they’re talking about. I care about these issues too.” But what good does that do? I read this

Um... neither. No one has time to be dealing with useless adults like this when you are bleeding out on the floor. A guy who wants a cookie for doing basic adult functions is not someone to be with in a meaningful way.

There are some really shitty comments on the AV Club post of this story. Save yourself the burst brain blood vessels and avoid.

Yeah, this is all bullshit. Doctors having biases that influence their treatment of patients is pretty well established, and not something we should hush up about because conspiracy-minded idiots who will never accept any authority that doesn’t confirm their world-view will see it as another excuse to ignore experts