
Very pretty movie that should have been billed as fantasy from the get go. The science just makes so little sense!

They should have all their vaccinations revoked. Can we do that retroactively?

+1 for Jay Leno metaphor. Let’s make him the metaphor for 2016, somehow.

“Poorly-trained circus orangutan”

Pro tip, thanks!

He’s 46, for pete’s sake. What’s with the body shaming?

I’ve talked to many fans who are forced to leave panels because they use hearing aids... but the panelists forget to use their microphones and they can’t hear. Sometimes increasing accessibility can be as easy as reminding your guests to always use mics! And yet that does not happen.

Yay, you’re here ahead of me!

So out of curiosity, I just went over and downloaded Woodlands Elite’s “info packet” for the cheerleaders. There’s not one thing in there about hair. Another report has the administrator saying that it’s decided “by the team,” so she would not have known about this in advance, necessarily. It’s not what she signed up

On amazon I can only see Seven7 jeans. Jeans, jeans, and more jeans. What’s up with that?

Yeah, the MS Comfort Curve isn’t really doing it for me.

Yeah, the MS Comfort Curve isn’t really doing it for me.

Though 99% of the IT staff were heroes at my previous job, one guy made me crazy. I had been waiting for my tower to be replaced because it would crash almost every day. So I waited. And waited. “What’s the eta on my ticket?” “Next week or two.” Then I heard “we’ve got your machine! Coming by today or tomorrow!” Now,

Love this idea! Irreverent guy, perfect host, also loves trivia. Revolving funny people to have on the show: Bill Nye. Weird Al Yankovich. Amy Sedaris. Norm MacDonald. Tina Fey. Aubrey Plaza. Sarah Silverman. Nikki Glaser....

Thanks, I didn’t want to depress myself totally by searching for that photo!

Hardest thing about this was coming up with a red skirt. The orange sweater and green shirt were thrifted.

I had better check this out. I’ve been wearing the Cover Girl Outlast lipsticks for a while, because they were the only thing that stayed on and didn’t feel like Elmer’s Glue at application — but they have no true red. Thanks for the tip!

I walked out of Jurassic Park.

The number of combinations of actions that can be taken by games to get to a certain point in a game can be astronomical when you factor in things like player and server speeds, system differences, et cetera. (Software tester here.) So definitely, the great mass of people “attacking” the game at launch are very likely

nothing should have MORE than 8 legs. It should be a RULE.

star for intriguing user name!