some dude

This is good advice. But it is hard to follow. Especially since I love drinks 3 and 4 most of all.

You think that’s bad, imagine being in a classroom taught by ths guy. He literally once passed around a green military jacket he wore all the time on which he had replaced the original plastic buttons with big round wooden ones. He wanted us to understand his appreciation for fine detail & sensory stimulus. So we kind

Few things in his professional life have bothered him more than providing a box of condoms and a couple of bottles of booze as part of concert rider? This is one of the things that vexes him the most in a long career in college athletics? He must have led a pretty amazingly drama-free life up to this point.

1 loaf of whole grain bread with the most amount of grains?

Oh, he wants Trump Bread. The classiest, grainiest bread on the market. No Mexican buyers, please.

I wanna hang out backstage and light batteries on fire with Ludacris

This mock outrage is nothing new.

The fact that you’re a former soldier and don’t see the difference between this and someone giving a nazi salute frightens the hell out of me.

You equating BLM with Nazism says all there is to know about you.

Yes. Mainly because that’s completely and obviously different.

Little Ditty with Jo and dying.

Last time I tried finding out, I lost two days and was wandering around Reno without pants.

“Y’know, not everything is a goddam Oscar Wilde quote.”

I just attribute everything I say to Maya Angelou.

My favorite misattributed quote is at our local post office. The have a lengthy screed about customer service and how the customer is #1... who supposedly said this? Ghandi.

After your last image, I... I have to post this:

The problem with all of these is that they are actually Oscar Wilde quotes.

Sam, its not the snowstorm. They just realized they have to depend on you for their formative years

Winter Storm Georgia O’Keefe

the problem with “PUA” is that it fuels nerd ego. These guys are somewhat robotic to begin with, and you tell them that they can be successful with women by becoming even more rigid, robotic, and scripted?