
I completely agree. A lot of people were upset that he was a flawed, immature, and showed signs of not being confident in himself and very frustrated. But i think thats what makes him an interesting character. If he would have played yet another cookie cutter arrogant all powerful villain it would have been boring.

Right? Playing that straight, with a character as pivotal as this, that’s some balls. Here we’ve got a big bad who decidedly is not at the top of his game. He has anger issues, daddy issues, he looks goofy as fuck without his mask. He doesn’t have his shit sorted, and thus he has room to change and grow as the trilogy

I thought it was brilliant, because no matter what the filmmakers did, it was going to come off as a trying-too-hard Vader knockoff. So why not take that and make it an intentional part of the character?

I think you’ve nailed it here. If I see a movie and think the screenwriter is trying too hard (the first example that comes to mind is the entirety of Lucky Number Slevin), that’s a failure. If I see a movie and I think that the character is trying too hard, that’s a totally valid and interesting choice.

Absolutely, that is what makes him so awesome. He is a petulant child throwing a temper tantrum with unimaginable powers. He is flawed, he is emotional, he is rash. He is the polar opposite of most movie villains.

I really love that. So often you get these hyper-competent villains, which is sometimes cool, but there's not a whole lot of variety. I think my favorite example of that is the Goa'uld in SG-1. They were so insanely powerful, but utterly incompetent in every regard, hence, they started out terrifying, but as SGC

Wow, I haven’t seen a reviewer fellate an Apple product like this in awhile. Apparently, you should look past this laptop to pay a few hundred more bucks for the Macbook Pro, which has identical memory and SSD specs, a shorter battery life, and a considerably less powerful CPU.

“... a fastball down the strike zone of mediocrity.”

I dunno, I kinda like the whole Deus Ex: Human Revolution look it’s got going on.

Wait... a battery lasting “only” 9 hours and 45 minutes is a bad thing?

Where does the electricity that charges these vehicles come from?

The only evil angel stories I care for are of the Incognito Mode Browser kind. I'm not religious AT ALL but I just find asshole angels to be off-putting. Stopped watching Supernatural during season 6 because asshole angels became the main antagonists. Hated Legion and Dominion. Liked Tilda Swinton in Constantine

One is a TV show (by DC) that is about non-powered people in an office in a world of superheroes. The other would be a comic book (by Marvel) that’s essentially about the Avengers’ downtime in between punching shit back at Avengers HQ. Marginally different things!

^^^ This. Exactly this ^^^

“Which means that Aronofsky’s Batman and Zack Snyder’s Superman would probably actually get along.”

Aviation nuts and bolts, while visually similar to the stuff you find at Home Depot, isn’t the same thing. Ask any aviation engineer.

Your meme is bad and you should feel bad.

Homeless Batman to The Maxx!

I’ve seen a lot of undercurrents of this logic behind a lot of reasons a few friends have as to why they shouldn’t have cast an Asian-American while swearing it’s not because they’re racist and they totally love Asian pop culture and have Asian friends! Example-“oh, Luke Cage might appear and having one black guy and

It’s telling that casting white people makes a show just a show, but casting non-white people is a statement.