
Not from WWDC, but, if broadened to general Apple stuff, the new trackpad might be kinda cool.

You have it backwards. The reason they are like a 90’s RPG isn’t because they are generic, it’s because Neuromancer created the genre that all of those games were set in. They took it, and tweaked bits and pieces to make themselves unique, but at their core, they were all Neuromancer.

Waaaaay to soon. It’s gonna take a lot of improvement and practice before you want to use those prosthetics for anything so sensitive.

You said demand, not promote. That is an entirely different question with entirely different implications and answers.

In this context demand would be equivalent to regulate/require. Since the government is literally the only group that can pass and enforce these, there is nothing else that could be the ‘first group.’ Which answers your question as to why as well as showing it to be a pointless question.

Alan Moore, Brian Bolland, and Richard Starkings all agree that Batman did not kill the Joker. So, the writer, penciler, and letterer of the book all say the Joker lived. The original notes say the Joker lives. The art does not show anything to contradict it. But still people want to put a more traditional and

10 miles for max commute length is pretty short from my experience. My personal commute is under 10 miles, but a lot of the people I work with, and most of my family, have quite a bit longer.

Injured people, elderly people, people with various health conditions(even as simple as allergies, I’ve known people that would have problems seemingly at random), people who can’t get a shower at work, people that need to share some steep hills with other traffic, people who just want a relaxing ride because

Marvel has plenty of ‘high quality’ women that could be added to the movies. Saying they would need to make up entirely new heroes or do gender swapping is simply incorrect. You say scraping the bottom of the barrel, without having seen Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel, Wasp, She-Hulk, Molly Hayes, etc...?

Razer has the Blade and the Blade Pro. Lenovo has the Yoga and Yoga Pro. Apple has the MacBook and MacBook Pro. Now Microsoft has the Surface and Surface Pro. It is a pretty common naming convention.

No mention of the novels, comics, rpg, board game, continued expansions to said board game, or upcoming video game? I’m not a super fan, and I haven’t dealt with all of those entries, but it seems like the continuing growth of the franchise should have come up in the debate.

While technically not robots, I think the EVAs are close enough thematically for a list like this. They are giant, built by man(though with heavy use of genetic material), humanoid, have a pilot, and are used to fight other giant things.

Authors are frequently relatively anonymous to the reader.

True, good writing doesn't have to do with any of those.

I don't think there is room for that since the current plans for seating are all unicorn based.

They did put her on the cover, they put her on a lot of covers. This isn't an issue with one or two alternates, there are a lot. Here is a link with a partial list of them.

" as opposed to all those open-air mines"

I had the TM2 that HP made after the TX series. Metal lid, and improved central hinge, never had any problems with it. I think the new Vaio is the same style of hinge that was on the Flips. Never used one outside of a store, but it seemed like a solid design. The one thing that looked lacking was the ability to

Interesting, I'm the other way.

It shouldn't effect that at all, because all internet data is being treated the same at any given time.