
Yep, that’s the article. These people scare me. They’re running on made up facts that even they can see through, but their hatred and anger make them ignore that. They’re willing to go out there and deliberately intimidate (and probably incite) fellow citizens under the guise of “doing their duty as Americans.”

Your last line is so true. I’m trying to imagine the circumstances under which my dad would publicly give a guy the okay to call me a “piece of ass” (I can’t), and how long I’d freeze him out for after that (forever).

You know we vote in November, right?

In cases of legitimate rapists winning the Republican nomination, well, the female electorate has ways to shut the whole thing down.

Which are the darker ones again?

So true. It’s a reflection of an unfortunate, yet widely displayed, compulsion which requires the afflicted to verbally vomit chunks of “inner cities”, “gangs”, “crime” “that one black person they know, do you know them, too? onto anyone in range who is guilty of appearing while Black, absent any solicitation or

THANK YOU! This fucker believes climate change is a myth but clean coal is a real thing.

The pussy bow is a a defensive move. Allow me to use in a sentence, to whit: When someone attempts a pussy grab, you defend with a pussy bow, which is “a type of curtsy-like bowing that shields a pussy in the direction opposite the ‘grab’”, according to, uh, a Slovenian-English dictionary I have right here, yeah.

“Don’t even think about touching me, you bloated eel.” Smile.

Agreed — that’s the problem with these town halls. The questions often suck dick.

Excuse you, that’s “Big League”, as in serious, as in high class. Serious people, okay? Because phrases. The most tremendous, the greatest- believe me- sentence. Fragments. Look! over here A Lot. A lot of people. Smart people. African Americans. Hell. Inner cities: DISASTER, okay? Islamophobia? ISISssss *SNIFF* they

I still don’t understand how there are any undecided voters at this point, and how these were the questions they needed answered in order to make up their minds. They have to be pretty damn uninformed to not know the answers already, except for the guy who asked the last question about one thing they respected about


See guys. It was all a big misunderstanding. When Drumpf said “...grab by the pussy...” he meant this Melania’s pussy bow i.e. her neck. So what he is really saying when forcing yourself on a woman you have to grab her by the neck. Don’t we all feel silly now : [

is Melania endorsing Donny to grab by the pussy or is it a shade????

Blink twice if you’re being held against will.


I get the impulse to shake things off, but damn girl, you should have chased that outfit combo with a pin that says “I’m with Her”

I wouldn’t shake his hand with one of those grabby sticks people use to pick up things they cant reach... totally appropriate response from Clinton.