
When I am forced to return to the Motherland, I never cease to laugh at the fact that I can buy the equivalent of 40 gazillion cases of beer, 2 six-packs at at time, from the local smoke-filled house-bar but can only buy shit wine at Soviet-era State Store. Fuck PA.  


And we really didn’t need more proof.

I’ve been napping quite often, but isn’t hockey still the whitest sport? And as a Phightin’ Phils Phan for decades, I feel comfortable telling you the the Phillie Phanatic would tell her to go stand in the corner and pick her nose until it bled. Red. Phillie Red. What a cunt.

I will prematurely blame tonight’s nightmares on this photo.

He and Donny have a similar, orange-y, jowly, straw hair look that must be the new white hood. You know, the everyday, carefree, “I woke up like this, concealer and all” racist look.

Ha! Talked policy! Pussy-grabbing policy?

Honestly, I have been wondering if Rudy has a form of dementia. He’s pretty far off the rails, like Breibart territory.

I just fell in love with you.

Me too. Now we know! May Bea bless kinja.

Now playing

I did tweet him this a few times, hoping it might help. I remain, however, with my doubts. Also, judging from what he has said, he believes the junior Senator of NYS determines Federal tax code. Le sigh.

I would also like to sue him for making me un-hate Megyn Kelly and Bill O’Reilly. Not like them, but un-hate them. Fucker!

I hope they are still poor.

No sorries for you, friend. I am sorry you had to put with that. But not at all surprised to hear it.

There is a difference between frugal and cheap. My parents were frugal and always tipped well, although their outings were few and far between. One of my great-aunts was wealthy, out several times a week, and her standard tip was beyond embarrassing and could only be classified as insulting.

I would ask for water with extra lemon during the starving college years and add sugar to make lemonade. And I always felt guilty and always gave the two bucks I would have spent on a soft drink as extra tip. I bet this douchecanoe still has a 15% tip card calculator in his wallet.

Made me absolutely giddy!

Politically, Pence.

That was such a pro-level, badass move. She quickly shows DT exactly who is in charge. Also, thank you for the handshake jerk-off thought. Maybe at the end of the next? I would totally buy google glasses (do they still exist?) just to watch her giving him a handshake shimmy-sham on loop, all of my waking day, until