
In case anyone is interested Monty Python’s Flying Circus is being released on bluray (and I’m assuming 4k eventually).

Now if someone could please explain what the rest of the car was for?

My first thought when I saw Evangelion was coming to Netflix: “Great. A whole new generation of people who can let us know how fucking special they are because they think Evangelion is overrated.” Sorry your Dad didn’t suck, kiddo.

I really hope this gets out of the greys because it’s a very serious issue.

Apple sucks dick”

I really do miss these kind of teenage insults in forums. Everyone is so grown up these days.

Same. I had to pause and say “WTF did I just read.....?”

I’m not okay with using the word “woke” in an article. :-p

How to use an abacus next please!

No. The worst way to play Witcher is to have owned the game for 3 years and barely able to get 30 hours in because life did not allow me to root myself to my PC to get through 300+ hrs of gameplay.

Some people like myself cannot afford to be rooted at my computer to play 300+ hours of it (my PC witcher save had barely 30 hrs on it)

Look, I’m not one of those “IT HAS TO BE 12K/30000fps” nerds, [...]


Not to date myself, but when I was a kid, sacrifices were always made to bring higher-powered arcade games to the NES and SNES, and I don’t recall anyone complaining in internet comment sections.

then dont buy it

When you not only lose that, but make it look THIS bad, what’s even the point?


Wasn’t the ‘doesn’t run as high a resolution / look as good” a huge reason PSP/Vita games were knocked score wise? It’s always been interesting that that argument went out the window the second the switch was announced.

No surprise there. Honestly it’s a miracle the game is running on the handheld at all. I’m just eager to be able to play Witcher 3 on the go. If it looks a little less spectacular that’s a fine trade. 

That Kotaku Fish, though!