
It does seem safest not to feed your Mogwai. Sure, the larval stage is kind of cute, but you can’t wash them so they stink even when cute, and feeding them is just dangerous.

The highest point of the moon is sometimes in the day. During the new moon, it’s noon exactly.  Sorry to restart your worries.

Do not feed them after the moon has reached its highest point in the night sky.”


Maybe if somebody has such bad PTSD that they think acorns are gunshots and empty their firearm at the sound of an acorn, they shouldn’t be allowed access to firearms?

Rolling code algorithm hacked

Car nerd kills a few minutes on a Friday afternoon reading a thought experiment article by a car nerd. Well done one and all.

Holy shit. Well, at least the money you saved on cleaning the car can go to future therapy bills :)

My little hellraiser is only 20 months so there’s a whole bunch of perspective I don’t have yet, but I gotta call bullshit. You’ve never allowed your kids to eat in the car?! Seriously? No Cheerios? Berries? Those fruit and veg squeezey things? No disrespect, but there’s no way your kids have never eaten in the car.

Go load a carseat and keep a 3-7yo kid buckled in a 3rd row “Not a minivan” crossover. Holy heck. I have a easier time in a 2+2 with two car seats because I can reach the seats from the front. You can’t do that in you HOA assault “not a minivan” vehicle. You are going to have to crawl back there to buckle/unbuckle and

I think you may be over-expanding “knowingly” and “willfully.” The full law is unspecified here, but wouldn’t be surprised if the “willful” part only relates to operating the drone, not the full clause.  e.g. if you ware willingly flying a drone, you become subject to all of the laws related to drone operation.

While any jail or prison time is massive overkill for this, last I checked ignorance of the law is not a valid defense. He willingly and knowingly flew the drone. Whether or not he was aware of the law is largely irrelevant.

Maybe because Ford thinks EVs and digital sales go together?”

They are taught every sunday morning, from birth, to not critically think or question anything. 

The world could probably use the late Amy Winehouse more than it needs Elon Musk.

$50k for a Frontier with modified suspension? Genuinely questioning why anyone would buy this over a Colorado ZR2.

Maybe we could trade them...

Very similar to the logic evangelicals use.

The EQS starts in the low $100k range so my sympathy is lean for Mr. Semel.

FIFA or IOC and corruption