
You paint a pretty good picture of how our roads are built.

My dad retired to WY. It was fascinating to me that folks would use a windmill to mechanically draw water from a well, and then make fun of my dad for installing one to generate electricity and charge a battery pack.

Kind of my thought.  There are some traditional players that are looking to adopt a new sales model for their EVs.  Tesla has done all the legwork for them.

Another reason that self-driving cars are a lot longer off then everyone says.

Guessing that if stock returned to rational levels, that they’d be quite the takeover target.

According to Zeitz, the transformation of the iconic brand means focusing on people who may not typically ride large motorcycles and even those that do not ride at all.

They’re even undercutting their own used inventory.

What happens to reservations in this situation? If you reserved at the higher price, do you now get the lower price when your vehicle is delivered? Reservation holders were typically locked-in at their price and immune from the increases. This created this weird commodity market on the forums with people making

I agree, trains in Europe is the only way to fly.

It’s big business. Where I work, new CEO took over and we laid off a bunch of people at the end of 2020 because things were so dire. Over the last 2 years we’ve gradually gotten back to the same number of people and somehow we are making tons of money again.

My experience in buying a Tesla is that if you buy the car private party and transfer ownership via the app, the paid for features go with the car. As soon as the car hits a used car lot (actual or virtual), the features like FSD, free Premium Connectivity and free Supercharging are turned off.

My only longboarding experience to date was land-paddling on a Bombora.  Prior to that, my skate experience was in my friends drained pool and to and from school in the 80s.

My kid built a 2 motor one. I took it up to 40mph once and all I could picture was shattered collar bones. It was terrifying. What they can do is amazing though.  His topped out at 50mph, could do 30 miles on a charge and could climb a 30% grade.  I think he had like $1500 into it.

Went on a CHP ride along a few years ago. Two DUIs on the shift. Both already had suspended licenses from a previous DUI.

I have six at my house and we currently only have 2 drivers in the household (oldest son away at college).

Not dumb. I wasn’t aware that the Taycan offered that. Per the Kia sales staff (an owner of an EV6), in order to recharge there was an app that needed to be used to enable the charger. He said it could take several minutes for that to happen. Maybe the Kias are not recognized by the EA chargers and it is something

Plug and charge is literally the only secret sauce Tesla has left. If someone were to figure out that for all the other chargers, Tesla really wouldn’t have anything differentiating themselves.

Co-worker bought a Lightning.  Used a home equity loan.  Welcome to 2008.

I spotted/heard that. It’s like bike sounds fall into 3 categories for movies: