
This is a direct quote from their website: “Our solar roof will create enough energy to power the car.” Yes, the solar panel provides power that can be used to move the car. But this is, at the very least, deceptive wording, and, once you do the math, bullshit.

What makes you say that? Nissan may be boring and unoriginal, but engine quality and resilience has generally been their strong suit. My bigger fear is that they’ll slap a CVT on it and paint it taupe. Then that CVT will fail, the pain will peel, and the suspension mounts of whatever they put it in will probably rot

I’d rather see a woman nursing (including possible seeing OMGSH! her nipple!) than hear a crying baby. Why is this STILL going on?

A general, state-wide outlook that pregnancy is this minimally invasive, non-life threatening condition that is no big deal for women to go through might lead to ignorance of all the things that can (and DO) go wrong.

Okay, so lack of access to prenatal care means less health care for both mothers and babies. Which means that preventable health issues are not prevented and non-preventable issues are not managed to make them, you know, less deadly.

Seriously? You’re bashing on bike that was just stolen?

Did you even read that list? Nevermind Alonso and Ricc - you really trying to say that Senna isn’t renown for winning? Please, kindly GTFO.

It’s amazing how consistently the entire justice system has vastly more compassion and empathy for the perpetrator than the victim when the crime is rape. It’s just so UNFAIR to ruin a nice boy’s life over a little crime like that.

Not if the ships had automonous defense systems

“So long and thanks for the IPAD “~Dolphin

“No no, he’s resting.”

So were the days when Schumacher would pull away.


Good, because if you’d read the article, you would see that it’s people like you who were the reason whole countries were unable to play and enjoy the game

yeah i know, but i like to play with trolls from time to time.

There is no reasoning with people that think like this. They think everything has to happen instantly or its not true. He probably also thinks evolution isn’t real because everything has looked the same for hundreds of years.

i don’t really plan to be around in 2100. if so i will be 131....

just like his island in a few years....

i only have this to offer him

“I don’t think this guy understands economics.”