
Have you ever read anything on Foxtrot Alpha before? lol

“The so-called Satanic Temple group is a handful of atheists masquerading as so-called Satanists. This group is not legitimate. Its only reason to exist is to oppose the Good News Clubs. The Good News Clubs teach morals, character development, patriotism and respect from a Christian viewpoint. Public schools welcome

If after-school Christian groups are allowed to exist, then a school must allow after-school Satanist groups to exist. Or groups promoting any other religion.

Even if he was an affirmative action admission all it would prove is that affirmative action kicks ass and is worth the investment, because we got Barack Freaking Obama out of it.

Salomondrin is indignant on behalf of his friends, which is something that we’ve all felt before. His friends seem like extremely loyal Ford customers.

It continues to amuse/irritate me to no end that these people - white, conservative, religious - are the real face of welfare fraud. Not saying that other people don’t cheat the system but the FLDS have turned welfare fraud into an art form. Yet somehow when some people use the term ‘welfare queen’ you just know the

He looks bleached overall. Hair, brows, skin, everything. Which I guess is a good thing if you’re aiming at his target demographic?

“I’m not pro-cheating... I just don’t like a company banning people for cheating”

Hmm? Since when is not being able to use cheats ‘changing terms on the go’? It’s always against the rules. It’s not about control “after they got money”, it’s about creating a level playing field for everyone.

I ran out of gas! I got a flat tire! I didn’t have change for cab fare! I lost my tux at the cleaners! I locked my keys in the car! An old friend came in from out of town! Someone stole my car! There was an earthquake! A terrible flood! Locusts! IT WASN’T MY FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD!

So...she loses her crown for allegedly using a professional makeup artist, but the blonde teen pageant chick used racial slurs on social media and she gets to keep hers? (Not to mention, it’s explained away as if “going through rough times” or whatever phrase they used is a viable reason to do such a thing.)

If I were a game developer, instead of banning them, I’d quietly release a patch that detects cheaters and subtlety fucks with their game. Reduced damage, maybe make every x shots do zero damage, fake lag, periodically make the controls janky, reduce movement speed, jump height, increase damage received, etc. Just

I use to be a GM for Blizz and let me tell you that it’s crazier when you see a ban wave happen behind the scenes. Y’all only get to read banned players posts, imagine talking to them over the phone

I love the people who think that this is somehow Blizzard’s way of scamming them out of 40 dollars. They broke the rules they agreed to follow and somehow they think they have the right to be mad? I hope they wake up and realize that this was a valuable life lesson.

I have to LOL at the one asking how to DDOS the Blizzard servers, and then claiming to be an awesome hacker. Text book script kiddie if I ever saw one. Someone should tell him to download Low Orbit Ion Cannon and point it at

......... it’s beck and call

the capital sentencing process that the statute provides is constitutionally inadequate in practice...The results of the jurors’ good-faith grappling with the law—arbitrary, biased, and erroneous death verdicts—are intolerable as a matter of due process and proportional punishment.