
That diesel tank was NOT installed yesterday :)

R2 D2....Reel 2 Dialogue 2..All that needs said about how ‘droids get their names :)

They already do...have done for decades...Not all drivers follow those rules too strictly tho...They have a job to do in their minds...and that involves getting that load in ontime

It’s not stopping the truck that’s braking gently enough to stop the trailer and load...Get that wrong, and your heavy load is going to shoot right out the front of that trailer...Or more likely, jacknife it and creat a 3 lane accident from a single laner

It’s a Mobile Suit Gundam refference, not a Rendevous with Rama reference...But they are both awesome concepts in the context :)

They’re working on it...But there had to be a tangible destination, and a purpose to get there, before the investment in cheaper rocket technologies could begin. It’s stepping stones...You are not going to reach your goal by trying it all in one leap.

Plus the very pertinant point, that we are totally screwing up this planet. And that the sooner we can get industry, resource mining and a stable colony off the rock, the more chance we have of actually surviving as a race until the next millenia.

Co star was a bowl of petunias tho...Not a flag wielding armour suit :) Still reckon the Adams version has more impact.

10 Minutes?....I thought they had to be able to get a driver ..AND their seat, out in way under a minute...10 is more dangerous than no halo...surely?

I know :)...That’s why i said “In all it’s incarnations” :)

I would say all its various incarnations would come close...If not exceed Skyrim....And I think both communities share many of the best mods and modders

I wonder if that monstrosity is still in the MPG range?...or would it be doing GPM now?...I suspect the latter :)

Nearer a year or two of on road and in the saddle testing for most new trucks...even pretty conventionasl ones...A major freight outfit has got to know and be able to account for year log operations...not just pie in the sky wonder figures. Still...I like the concept a lot :) The numbers might work a lot closer than

Yup, at least as well as, if not better than the Aluminium tin cans they are living in right now. And if the debris should get much over a few millimeters in’d be needing something closer to Chobham armour or battleship plate...Not something thats easy to launch into orbit for sure :)

I think I heard, in the interest of low emissions from the Li Ion battery pack...That VW were looking at making it a hybrid...Using the unique solutions they have developed over the years, they plan on Installing generator units (2000mL forced induction, CI engine, technology they describe as “Mature”) VW admit that

...or the more likely explanation , is that someone is making money looking the other way ...It certainly would not be the first time. makes money. Its not a game, it’s an alternaye place for folks to spend time and socialize...also, its usually a pretty darn tolerant place...folks can be who or what they want, and no one is bothered, so it can be a well needed refuge from real life for some.

Been there...Did that...Never want to do it again...Out of gas in the middle of the Scottish Highlands, in the middle of the the middle of winter...lesson learned :)

It’s not an April Fool’s joke...It has been hitting some of my groups in FB for about a week it has been online in Japan at least that long. Consensus is that its not a movie tho, just a mashup of the two properties because of Hideaki Anno’s involvment in both the new Godzilla and Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Looks like its the back wall, not her leg...the edge is way too straight and long:)...And , as you say, looks to be too high up to actually be part of her.