
If she wins an Emmy, I hope she get knighted with the trophy when she receives it so that everyone gets to applaud Brienne one last time.

Smellyanne is the perfect example of what happens when one allows evil to rot them from the inside out.

I agree Lindsey Graham is a craven political hack and his recent pro-Trump attitude stomps on what America is supposed to be about.

Shut up, tomato.

That’s exactly what they want. Trump’s deranged fanbase doesn’t believe any of the reporting about the torturous and inhumane concentration camps, so when people inevitability snap and rise up against them, it’ll be propaganda gold for Trump. He’ll be screaming on Twitter that this just proves that all migrants are

If you cut off a cockroach’s head, the body will continue to live and scuttle about until it STARVES TO DEATH.  Man, cockroaches are gross.

I sincerely hope season 3 doesn’t have an episode as awful and momentum shattering as season 2's infamous “Eleven hangs with 80's punk stereotype criminals and an X-men reject” episode.

This is a real weird framing for this article. As a nonbinary person I would actively prefer it to be /more/ difficult to identify me over the system identifying my gender more accurately.

This is the perfect time for Jezebel to do a long piece about how MLMs prey on vulnerable women in the name of feminism and financial freedom when the reality is it sucks them dry and leaves them friendless and poorer than they started out.  It’s so gross how MLMs work and what they do to people. 

On contact from a foreign government, yes even Norway:

The government has always had it in for NIH since they fucked up by letting those genetically engineered super intelligent rats escape and wreak havoc on farmer Fitzgibbon’s rose bush. 

AOC continues to do the right thing with style, I see.

My advice to those who wish to receive it:

Does anyone else always skip the Trump tweets at the end of the wrap up? I can’t/don’t/never will read the meanness and dumbness of Don the Orange Con's disturbed thoughts.

Woo! Feed that fuck to the pigs!

I’m anxiously waiting for the “pro-life” crowd to call for immediate action to limit access to these life-destroying machines. Surely that would be logically consistent of them, right? Right?!

The last time Trump was excited about carrying something 4.5 feet tall and 60 pounds, Ivanka was 9

Honestly, I hate when they use this kind of a thing an as example. Of course it is horrific, but it is no more valid than a twentysomething person who wants an abortion so they can finish school. Or a thirtysomething person who doesn’t want another baby. There is no "excuse" needed. A person got pregnant and wants an