I used BloomAgainBklyn for our wedding flowers. Major relief to donate flowers that otherwise would have gotten thrown out.
I used BloomAgainBklyn for our wedding flowers. Major relief to donate flowers that otherwise would have gotten thrown out.
This made me cry. I can’t believe we are so close to outlawing abortion again. I always knew it was possible but it is surreal to see it happening before my eyes. I am truly terrified by where we are going.
I gave up on buying anything else from them. But if it works for you... some things aren’t for everyone. Sigh
I tried their products. They do not work for me. The skincare line makes me breakout like crazy. The lip stick is like trying to run a Walmart brand crayon over your lips. Their self satisfying WoM marketing is obnoxious. The only product that is awesome is Boy Brow.
This is practically the only person to ever face serious prosecution for this. Jared is next.
Diana Vreeland.
Just another confirmation that my choice to be childless was the best decision I’ve ever made. Being a woman in this facacta country is a horror show of complete indignity.
One feasible solution to some of the congestion -Only let Uber and Lyft operate in the outer boroughs like the green cabs. Let them bring rides in but not be able to pick up in the city.
I love Anna Wintour. I love the mythology surrounding her. Stay forever. However, I recently saw the Diana Vreeland documentary on Youtube. Now she, was fascinating.
Really, though it should be fuck Thiel. He’s a whiny baby bitch and I hope his balls get set on fire. I don’t think anyone at GMG can say this but I can. Fuck you, you closeted, hypocritical, shit-eating dick bag.
I missed my HS yearbook photos because I was too busy getting high in the stairwells. Ah memories... that I don’t actual have because I fogged my brain with pounds of pot.
Gotta make up your minds wingnuts! 72hr. waiting period, 12 week abortion ban, heartbeat bill. My Goddess, you need to pick a hill to die on already.
I’ve been on both sides. Some customers would tip no matter what, others wouldn’t leave a dime. I would comp cups of coffee for my regulars and that always helps. We only excepted cash so it made life easy.
Fake sugars make me sick AF. Like pass out, vomiting, dizzy sick. I have to check every packaged food I eat to make sure none of that crap is in there. I’m sure I can’t be the only one.
the creation of a “biometrics/Citizens ID,” has to be my favorite one here since this is one of the conspiracy theories propagated by the likes of InfoWars about the left.
SOS is absolutely the best! I’ll fight you on that account. ABBA is my secret love.
But I was just following orders.