
Fuck is wrong with you dingbats?


Maybe don’t rape women you soft-sac.

You know what would be helpful right now? The Vane. Thanks Denton.

I wouldn’t mind if they had better movies and shows available. As it is I am sick to death of the shite they are offering me. I rarely watch any of it.

Look, I bring my lunch to work almost every day. I eat at my desk because its cheap, I can “surf the web”, and where the fuck else am i going to eat my home made lunch? The “plaza” in front of my office, with no tables, or protection from the fierce pigeons who give no fucks, on my lap? GTFO. Or my boss on the west

I’d post a slow clap Orson Welles if i knew how to do that from my phone on 3 theraflus.

I have no problem pooping anywhere. I just think of the Romans and their public toilets... one next to another chatting away (I imagine) whIle their business is conducted. No shame in my game.

Carrie Fisher is a goddamn national treasure. Her give no fucks attitude is an inspiration to us all.

Okay. That’s enough. I’m going over to Wonkette to see if BCO is posted yet.

Stars for days.

I’m in NYC. If you know of any one here, please let me know. It’s great work you guys do. Thank you.

My co-worker and I were talking about this the other day! I said there has to be an organization that takes slightly used bras and donates them to women in need.

3 Klonopin and 6 whiskeys.

No embalming, take all my organs, save my eyes, I would hate to be without them in the afterlife. Plain white dress, plain pine box. Bury me in a field with an stone angel. Sue me, I’m dramatic.

So glad you moved to Wonkette. Now I can get my political laughs and the hilarity that comes with BCO. Congrats Pinkam!

I must be the only person in the world who doesn’t like Adele’s music. She seems like a lovely person with a great voice but meh I’m not into crying in my whiskey over a dude/ette.

I love my partner. And because of that we sleep in separate rooms. He snores and rubs his feet together., I toss and turn and have serious bouts of insomnia.

I hate to say it but the Beebs is right. I hate clapping at shows anyway it detracts from the music. But clapping offbeat?! GTFO

Chrissy Teigan is a badass. I like the way she rolls with no fucks to give.