
YES! That which strikes fear in the heart of the GOP makes my own heart sing

I love how white men that claim to live in fear of ‘government tyranny’ and believe that it is righteous to rebel against it are the first ones to insist that all black people should strictly obey every police officer like a submissive dog.

This discussion isn’t about which gender is more likely to be victimized, it’s about who is doing the victimizing. Men.

the notion that women are the primary victims of gun homicide is the exact opposite of what’s true:

I have to admit, that really is an awesome idea that would make a great short scifi read (though probably not film script as was also suggested). The problem I see is that with true heat death (esp if the big rip happens) of the universe, everything becomes impossible. Particles don’t interact anymore, so you (or a

Game of Thrones: Average Peasant Edition

I don't understand how one feminist critic sucking at what she does could possibly "delegitimize" feminism. That's really fucking stupid.