
Because I don’t want to make a list for you I’m lying? Ok, sure. You “win,” I must be a liar. :) Goodnight/day sir/madam wannabe nihilist.

Funny, your translation of my words are almost exactly how I would have translated yours. Just step back and look at it for a sec. You’re accusing me of not backing up my claim because I pointed out that you hadn’t backed up your claim (notice I didn’t demand that you do so, either). Irony much? Actually, I think it’s

Almost everything you said needs a really big [citation needed] after it. Most of it is factually wrong.

You might achieve your attempt to sound profound more easily if you spell “peace” correctly. That said, I know the world I live in is not a nice place, I pretty explicitly stated that above. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to do what I can to make it nicer while I’m here. Nor does it mean that the world is

What you foolish MRA’s never seem to understand is the culture you’re living in. Rape IRL is largely still tolerated, swept under the rug and ignored, and worse yet, the victim is often blamed. We “SJWs” (a term I don’t mind being labeled as, and find it telling you think it’s pejorative) would like that to change.

I have to admit, that really is an awesome idea that would make a great short scifi read (though probably not film script as was also suggested). The problem I see is that with true heat death (esp if the big rip happens) of the universe, everything becomes impossible. Particles don’t interact anymore, so you (or a