Can this be shared on Jezebel so we can have people ask what this abusive man did to this poor woman to push her to that point?
Can this be shared on Jezebel so we can have people ask what this abusive man did to this poor woman to push her to that point?
Interesting. This is honestly the first time I’ve heard anyone say that San Junipero isn’t the worst episode of the new season and the entire series as a whole.
Except the fact that the Electoral College disenfranchises voters, makes it literally impossible for any third-party candidate to have a chance, and largely renders votes in non-battleground states completely meaningless. Let’s stop pretending we have a system where one vote equals one vote. What we have is an…
The President doesn’t get to just enact their ideas. Obama’s run as President would have been completely different if that was the case. Our form of government has checks and balances. Elections are only a part of the process. Politics doesn’t end after today. This isn’t something that just happens every 4 years.…
How much fun would it be to have Joey Bautista become teammates with Rougned Odor on the Rangers? It’d never happen in a million years, but I can dream.
And look at what is happening to someone (Sheriff Joe) who tried to do that on a relatively small scale. You can’t act like that with impunity in today’s world. In my opinion, that’s not changing regardless of who would get elected—and for fuck’s sake, we already know Hillary is getting elected.
Saying sorry to burst your bubble is literally presenting a different point of view. The perspective posited most often throughout this election cycle is that Trump is too dangerous and there’s no other choice. I disagree with that fear-mongering, and I am attempting to burst the bubble of that world view.
And is the Senate going to stay in Republican hands after tonight?
I live in Arizona. With the help of Sheriff Joe and your friendly local racists, that’s unfortunately already business as usual. And again, that’s just more fear-mongering. Trump isn’t getting elected President, but even if he were, it wouldn’t give him the power to be Dictator of the United States. Our system of…
I’m talking about the differences between parties for one particular position, President of the United States--not about all branches of government being controlled by one party. Interesting that you refer to false equivalence right after that. And very mature mature discussion with someone who simply has a different…
And nominees for Supreme Court Justice never get rejected, do they?
It’s hilarious how you are all resulting to the same base insults when someone is simply presenting a differing point of view. I’m not being hostile or attacking anyone. Nor am I making assumptions about complete strangers.
If no party or candidate stands for your ideals, you are still supposed to vote for what you believe is the lesser of two evils? A vote of non-participation is a viable option for many Americans.
Hmm, interesting that you would assume I’m white for no reason (you’re wrong). Sorry that I disagree with you. But that doesn’t mean you know anything about me. You’ve assumed so much from a few statements. In reality, my mom created and ran a homeless shelter for women and children that I volunteered at throughout my…
Oh, so more fear-mongering? Ok. You’re not addressing the means by which Trump could enact stop-and-frisk nationwide when it was ruled unconstitutional. But don’t let that get in the way of your narrative.
Yeah, just like Trump has said so many things during this election and followed through on them, right? It’s almost like politicians are willing to blatantly lie to people’s faces and say whatever they think their supporters want to hear in a desperate attempt to get their vote. Stop buying into the fear from both…
Sorry to burst your bubble, but America isn’t going to change whether Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump becomes President. Hillary is a corporate war hawk who will do anything to finally get elected. Trump is a festering pumpkin that’s been left out in the sun too long after Halloween.They are two puppets from the…
“The problem was you had to keep choosing between one evil or another, and no matter what you chose, they sliced a little bit more off you, until there was nothing left. At the age of 25 most people were finished. A whole god-damned nation of assholes driving automobiles, eating, having babies, doing everything in the…
Is it also sexism when we all look at Ted Cruz and say, “Look at that face. Why would anyone vote for that?”
Not only do you have the different logos to help establish multiple timelines, but we also have two characters who have uttered the same line when referring to aspects of the park. In back-to-back episodes, we had the Man in Black telling Hector that he “always seemed like a market-tested kind of thing” and then Logan…