The Eagles are undeniably the best football team in the world and have been more or less uninterrupted for the last five months.
The Eagles are undeniably the best football team in the world and have been more or less uninterrupted for the last five months.
Remarkably stupid comment, thank you.
You hate anchovies? Cool.
The difference between the accent and racism is the content. It is racist because it is mainly full of people saying Uganda is full of AIDS and ebola. If it was a crowd doing an accent and talking about any old shite I would not point the finger of blame.
Imitating an accent for the sake of treating another culture as a joke is probably racist. But apparently this meme keeps going with explicitly racist jokes. So.
But on the internet, which was a mistake
You would’ve been right to have them earn it themselves. This kid demanded which alot of kids do now and their parents just give them whatever they want. The dad spent an afternoon ignoring his kid and not even bonding over the experience. The kid spent the money with no appreciation or care and changed suits within…
EpicNameBro’s Dark Souls LP. A Souls expert, and great to listen to.
Maybe it’s a bad idea to put Dark Souls on something easily throwable.
I’m not gonna lie I went straight to other 2K properties like Civ VI.
What does that say about me ._.
I love how the HOA announcement throws quotations around the word “reasonable.”
Oh cool, where the internet jumps on some random person because they had the audacity to admit their partner needed self-stimulation to orgasm from time to time.
Great job, Patricia. I can’t find well crafted content like this on any other nerd centric website. This was a fascinating feature story.
I’ve had sex a few times while playing a game. It was fun for what it was.
A screwdriver. Seriously, that’s it. Even after wasting the better part of a weekend troubleshooting (only for the problem to turn out to be a DOA part), I still highly recommend PC building to everyone. It’s been so fun and satisfying, and even just browsing the internet on my new machine feels a little bit different…
Thanks! I knew Kotaku readers would steer me right.
The second hard drive (if it’s new) just needs to be partitioned and formatted. Assuming windows 10, right click on the windows button and go to Disk Management / Computer Management > Disk Management. Under disk management, you should see a couple drives. Your main drive with windows and its partitions, and a second…
My feelings on the entire “SHE-E-O” thing. Yes, we need more female CEO’s for a variety of reasons. But don’t other them into this whole cutesy bullshit new thing. She is a CEO and deserves all the praise and scrutiny that comes from being a CEO of a successful business. And that’s it.
You know there were dozens of ways to make your comment without coming across as snarky, arrogant, and derisive. It’s almost like you actively avoided all of those ways.
Where are these mythical “good” dealerships? I’ve certainly never found them.