
Exactly my thoughts. Not acknowledging this fact is a huge failure by the writer of this post.

This article fails to recognize or consider that literally millions of Twitch viewers, and streamers, use Pepe in innocuous, genuine, and fun ways to express themselves on a daily basis.

I generally turn down Music Volume and turn up SFX Volume. By default most games have the music turned up so high I can’t hear what I need to play the game effectively.

You’re right that it’s a patent application publication and not a patent. It is a utility patent application, though. Design patent applications typically aren’t published and don’t include any more written description than a brief description of the drawings (~1 sentence per drawing) and “The ornamental design for a

This is the most ignorant comment I’ve read on the internet in a while. I’m almost impressed, actually.

Nature’s Prophet’s name in DotA 1 was actually Furion, but they still changed it to avoid copyright issues. They changed very few heroes though; most had original names. Another example of a changed name is Windrunner -> Windranger.

This is not a patent. It’s a published patent application. It must still go through examination and prosecution before it may be allowed and made into a patent.

So, um, pretty much exactly the same.

It was also posted on the /r/pubattlegrounds, which PlayerUnknown and the rest of the dev team view.

In the next monthly update? Wow. The developers have really been doing a great job with constantly improving the game and communicating with the community throughout early access.

This is mentioned in the article.

Destiny’s been great since September 2015.

Is it because real people don’t spin their torsos at a constant rate according to a mathematical formula?

I can definitely sympathize with you here. I never got my perfect Imago Loop.

What incentives?

Because society will collapse before the end of the year?

The second one.

LW2's design encourages single- or two-soldier squads performing an objective and EVACing while killing few to no aliens on some of the mission types. If that kind of thing intrigues you I’d check it out.

Shut up, Michael Arceneaux

What’s the latest news regarding VR for Resident Evil VII on PC? I think the last I heard it was rumored that RE7 was only going to have PSVR for a year, then open up to PC-based VR systems.